
Results: 1680
Christian de Duve, 1963
Christian de Duve. The separation and characterization of subcellular particles. Lecture delivered November 21, 1963 Posted with permission
Published by: Academic Press
Reincarnation belief and the Christian church
H Waterhouse, Tony Walter
Jan 01, 0001
Reincarnation has never been part of mainstream Christian theology. This is true in spite of periodic speculations by Christian theologians, and in spite of the fact that reincarnation believers sometimes wrongly impute belief...
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Reincarnation belief and the Christian church
H Waterhouse, Tony Walter
Jan 01, 0001
Reincarnation has never been part of mainstream Christian theology. This is true in spite of periodic speculations by Christian theologians, and in spite of the fact that reincarnation believers sometimes wrongly impute belief...
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Nine Christian Responses to the Ecological Crisis
Michelle Rebidoux
Jan 07, 2019
For nearly five decades now, Lynn White Jr.’s influential article “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis”1 has been pointed to as a part of the bedrock of Christian discourse on the environment. Of course, an...
Nine Christian Responses to the Ecological Crisis
Michelle Rebidoux
Jan 07, 2019
For nearly five decades now, Lynn White Jr.’s influential article “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis”1 has been pointed to as a part of the bedrock of Christian discourse on the environment. Of course, an...
Advice to Christian geography professors
Michael Hulme
Apr 07, 2021
One should always be careful about giving advice: whether, when, how and what. This is especially the case if the advice is unsolicited. “Now, let me give you some advice”, is generally an unpropitious opening to a conversation....
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Cambridge Psycholinguistic Inventory of Christian Beliefs
While religious beliefs are typically studied using questionnaires, there are no standardized tools available for cognitive psychology and neuroscience studies of religious cognition. Here we present the first such tool-the...
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I'm a Reddie and a Christian! Identity negotiations amongst first-year university students
Currently, there exists relatively scant sociological research on the identities of first‐year UK university students, and specifically those holding a strong Christian identity. Employing a symbolic interactionist framework...
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Price discrimination and limits to arbitrage
Robert A Ritz
Aug 07, 2014
Gas prices around the world vary widely despite being connected by international trade of liquefied natural gas (LNG). Some industry observers argue that major exporters have acted irrationally by not arbitraging prices. This is...
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The Mystery of God and the Claim of Reason
A Barua
Feb 14, 2022
AbstractIn a comparative study of karma theodicy and atonement theodicy, as developed by some Hindu and Christian theologians, this article argues that they present...
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St. Francis and Islam
Scott Thomas
Jan 01, 2018
St. Francis of Assisi’s dramatic meeting with the Sultan Malek el-Kamel in Damietta, Egypt, during the Fifth Crusade (1213–1221) has become an important part of the contemporary context for Muslim–Christian relations, Middle...
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St. Francis and Islam
Scott Thomas
Jan 01, 2018
St. Francis of Assisi’s dramatic meeting with the Sultan Malek el-Kamel in Damietta, Egypt, during the Fifth Crusade (1213–1221) has become an important part of the contemporary context for Muslim–Christian relations, Middle...
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R.H. Tawney and Christian Social Teaching
James Kirby
Feb 23, 2016
The historian and socialist R.H. Tawney’s Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (1926) was one of the most influential works of non-fiction to be written in Britain during the first half of the twentieth century. Fusing...
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Matriarchs and Martyrs: Women in Early Christian Apocrypha
Robert Wilf
Jan 01, 0001
"The Master Narrative of Christianity" as outlined by Karen King states that Jesus Christ passed down the one true gospel to his apostles who then spread it throughout the world among a sea of dissension. But exactly which texts...
Published by: Ursinus College
How does renewables competition affect forward contracting in electricity markets?
RA Ritz
Sep 05, 2016
Higher renewables penetration reduces the incentive of conventional electricity generators to sell forward production. This can undermine the role of forward contracting in mitigating market power. More renewable energy raises...
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I'm a Reddie and a Christian! Identity negotiations amongst first-year university students
Currently, there exists relatively scant sociological research on the identities of first‐year UK university students, and specifically those holding a strong Christian identity. Employing a symbolic interactionist framework...
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Continuity and Change in the Luba Christian Movement, Katanga, Belgian Congo c.1915-50
DJ Maxwell
Mar 31, 2017
This article studies the Christian movement that occurred amongst the Luba of Katanga, Belgian Congo, from about 1915 to 1950, paying particular attention to how it was received by different social categories and mediated by...
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Our Christian Nation: White Supremacy and the Making of an American Theology
Sophia Driscoll Gamber
Jan 01, 0001
What does it mean to be a "Christian nation," a nation which is blessed by God above other nations? This moniker of divinity and chosen-ness has been in some way attached to the American project since its conception, though many...
Published by: Ursinus College
A Trajectory Toward the Periphery
Scott M. Thomas
Jan 01, 0001
If one day Muslim Americans will be forced to register their identities, then that is the day this proud Jew will register as a Muslim. (Khomami and Sidahmed 2016Khomami, Nadia, and Mazin Sidahmed. 2016. “Jonathan Greenblatt...
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How do banks respond to increased funding uncertainty?
RA Ritz, A Walther
Apr 14, 2015
This paper presents a simple model of risk-averse banks that face uncertainty over funding conditions in the money market. It shows that increased funding uncertainty: (i) creates risk-based loan-deposit synergies, (ii) often...
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A Trajectory Toward the Periphery
Scott M. Thomas
Jan 01, 0001
If one day Muslim Americans will be forced to register their identities, then that is the day this proud Jew will register as a Muslim. (Khomami and Sidahmed 2016Khomami, Nadia, and Mazin Sidahmed. 2016. “Jonathan Greenblatt...
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Does the social cost of carbon matter? Evidence from US policy
RW Hahn, RA Ritz
Apr 14, 2015
We evaluate a recent US initiative to include the social cost of carbon (SCC) in regulatory decisions. To our knowledge, this paper provides the first systematic analysis of the extent to which applying the SCC has affected...
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OPEC vs US shale
A Behar, RA Ritz
Mar 16, 2017
In November 2014, OPEC announced a new strategy geared towards improving its market share. Oil-market analysts interpreted this as an attempt to squeeze higher-cost producers, notably US shale oil, out of the market. Over the...
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