
Results: 33
Columbia Students Crowned as Homecoming King and Queen
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Rumph is a senior majoring in psychology, minoring in entrepreneurship. The daughter of Anthony and Fannie Geddis and Johnny Rumph, she represented the Student Alumni Council. Reeves, a junior majoring in business...
Published by: Winthrop University
Interview with Anne Duncan
Anne Duncan
Jan 01, 0001
In her January 7, 2014 interview with Cody Willis, Anne Duncan reminisces of her time at Winthrop from 1974-1978 as a Physical Education major. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and...
Published by: Winthrop University
Interview with Jai Lee
Jai Lee
Jan 01, 0001
In her January 14, 2014 interview with Cody Willis, Jai Lee shares her experience as an economic major from Korea. Lee discusses the differences between Korean colleges and Winthrop. This interview was conducted for inclusion...
Published by: Winthrop University
A restatement of the natural science evidence base regarding the source, spread and control of Campylobacter species causing human disease
Food poisoning caused by Campylobacter (campylobacteriosis) is the most prevalent bacterial disease associated with the consumption of poultry, beef, lamb and pork meat and unpasteurized dairy products. A variety of livestock...
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Boosting Student Wellbeing Despite a Pandemic
Positive psychology interventions hold great promise as schools around the world look to increase the wellbeing of young people. To reach this aim, a program was developed to generate positive emotions, as well as improve life...
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White matter microstructure associations with episodic memory in adults with Down syndrome
Abstract: Background: Nearly all persons with Down syndrome will show pathology of Alzheimer’s disease in their 40s. There is a critical need for studies to identify early biomarkers of these various pathological changes of...
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A restatement of the natural science evidence base regarding the source, spread and control of Campylobacter species causing human disease.
Food poisoning caused by Campylobacter (campylobacteriosis) is the most prevalent bacterial disease associated with the consumption of poultry, beef, lamb and pork meat and unpasteurized dairy products. A variety of livestock...
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White matter microstructure associations with episodic memory in adults with Down syndrome
BACKGROUND: Nearly all persons with Down syndrome will show pathology of Alzheimer's disease in their 40s. There is a critical need for studies to identify early biomarkers of these various pathological changes of Alzheimer's...
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