
Results: 41
Microglia and the aging brain

The single largest risk factor for etiology of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease is increased age. Therefore, understanding the changes that occur as a result of aging is central to any possible prevention...

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The materiality of precarity
Jon Phillips, Saska Petrova
Jul 28, 2021
Analysis of precarity has offered a critique of labour market experiences and politically induced conditions of work, housing, migration, or essential services. This paper develops an infrastructural politics of precarity by...
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Response to Correspondence from Kolstoe and colleagues concerning our paper entitled, Research approvals iceberg
In their letter to the Editor in this issue, Kolstoe and Carpenter challenge a core aspect of our recently published case study of research approvals [BMC Medical Ethics 20:7] by arguing that we conflate research ethics with...
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Microglia and the aging brain

The single largest risk factor for etiology of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease is increased age. Therefore, understanding the changes that occur as a result of aging is central to any possible prevention...

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Axonal Organelles as Molecular Platforms for Axon Growth and Regeneration after Injury
Investigating the molecular mechanisms governing developmental axon growth has been a useful approach for identifying new strategies for boosting axon regeneration after injury, with the goal of treating debilitating conditions...
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Using deep convolutional neural networks to forecast spatial patterns of Amazonian deforestation
Abstract: Tropical forests are subject to diverse deforestation pressures while their conservation is essential to achieve global climate goals. Predicting the location of deforestation is challenging due to the complexity of...
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Research approvals iceberg
BACKGROUND: The red tape and delays around research ethics and governance approvals frequently frustrate researchers yet, as the lesser of two evils, are largely accepted as unavoidable. Here we quantify aspects of the research...
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Axonal Organelles as Molecular Platforms for Axon Growth and Regeneration after Injury.
Investigating the molecular mechanisms governing developmental axon growth has been a useful approach for identifying new strategies for boosting axon regeneration after injury, with the goal of treating debilitating conditions...
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Illness-related suffering and need for palliative care in Rohingya refugees and caregivers in Bangladesh
BACKGROUND:Despite recognition that palliative care is an essential component of any humanitarian response, serious illness-related suffering continues to be pervasive in these settings. There is very limited evidence about the...
Published by: PLoS Medicine
Palliative care in humanitarian crises
More than 128·6 million people across 33 countries require life-saving humanitarian assistance, 92·8 million of whom are particularly vulnerable. Palliative care, however, has been omitted from efforts to tackle humanitarian...
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