John Canady addresses art seminar group Ursinus to participate in cultural olympics at U. of P. Cheating case reviewed by MSGA on Tuesday Teacher problems outlined for FTA by Mrs. Swavely Griffin, Mathewson star in group...
This article explores women’s accounts of receiving unsolicited dick pics from men. Drawing on material derived from in-depth interviews with adult British women, its focus is on how these interviewees relied on a postfeminist...
Rushees sign sorority bids Saturday morn Girls plan fashion show Dr. Wagner gives med school advice Freshmen hear Dr. Helfferich Students discuss social life ideas at fireside chat WSGA enforces poster removal Quartet to...
Second forum enjoys speech by diplomat First forum hears Lord Scribe praises Fall play 15th annual Messiah performance to be Thursday night in Bomberger chapel Y plans vespers, town-gown day Christmas party Senior prom...
Demobilization of the Student Army Training Corps Muhlenberg routs Ursinus in final game Venetian musicians give delightful entertainment Bill creating a national department of education Fall meeting of the Directors Letter...
Dick Winchester elected Weekly editor Deltas' cake sales yield $130 for Campus Chest Student Union furnished May Day tryouts begin tomorrow Pre-medical society hears alumni Play plans announced; Group productions progress ...
May Day committees chosen; Pageant written but unnamed WSGA, YMCA, WAA candidates picked Greek columns Dr. Ernest Wagner to address chemistry society tonight 1954 Ruby show, "campus carnival" to be held Apr. 24 Dawkins...
Dean's list includes 76 Ursinus students Alumni of Philadelphia region schedule dance for Mar. 12 Dr. Harry Subin to address Brownback-Anders Society Deltas frat to aid Campus Chest drive with $100 "Y" discusses possibility...
Dr. Shaffer is speaker at Baccalaureate Alumni gather at meeting Saturday Manning wins class honors; Owens second Kaye speaks to graduates; Degrees, prizes awarded Women elect dorm officers Cub & Key names Kolp as...
Messiah to be presented Dec. 2: Chorus largest in history of seventeen annual performances; Gladys Kriese contralto Fred Godshall shows slides of Summer trip in Europe MSGA vote date changed Sororities plan initiations ...
Honor systems investigated FTA hears talk on business and youth Important selective service regulations Lantern staff adds member; First issue due in December Big sisters hold party "January 16th" case to begin; Murder...
"Phila. Story" to be presented May 8, 9 & 10 Pre-meds elect officers Y cabinet assumes duties at retreat Music Club to hold elections tomorrow Inter-sorority group holds annual party Students will be charged for all overdue...
This presentation analyzes three ways Herman Melville incorporates food imagery in Moby-Dick: to reflect a sense of community, to foster a sense of ritual, and to explore understandings of humanity's position in the natural world.
Wilcox, Hirst, Rice speak on prof's panel Fotine to play Friday night Miller shows pictures, speaks to IRC group Laughton to read at Norristown, Sat. Ursinus to be host to first Future Teacher's convention Informal...
Summer school subjects to be selected now 6th foreign policy institute to be Friday Women elect Ruth Reed as May queen; Janie Hopple as manager for May Day Y rep attends Bible study conf. Dr. Harmin to be speaker at FTA...
Y plans orientation for incoming frosh Campus Chest drive to start next semester; How chairman Frosh set dance date for Feb. 18; Headline wrong! 24 fellowships offered in research "Shake, rattle and roll" attended by 500...
Fall play to be Dec. 5, 6; Ticket sale begins Dec. 1 Bob Harry to play at senior formal Freshman rep is sworn in by MSGA Phys-eds get new teachers Naval officer to speak here, Dec. 3 Pre-legal group hears speaker, accepts...
MSGA-WSGA together, discuss U.C. honor system Committee to pick Spring production Senate hears complaints; Struth heads Booster Committee MSGA warns men's dorms Audience stirred by "Messiah," Thursday Christmas Communion to...
MSGA discusses plagiarism case; Decision rejected Primary Wed. for M.S.G.A. class officers Y presidents name cabinet Sororities elect officers for coming year, 1953-54 Nominees announced for Curtain Club elections, May 6 ...
Ed Abramson elected prexy by thespians Spirit Committee to hold election Ursinus debaters triumph over LaSalle team, on FEPC J. Alfred Kaye to speak at commencement, June 1 Clubs elect 1953-54 heads Cast receives high...
President's page A new year opens at Ursinus with 675 students Approximately 100 students attend summer sessions Ursinus welcomes two new members to its faculty Ursinus evening school opens its second year From the desk of...
Helfferich tells causes of delay in Union work U.C. Supply Store resumes full operation today Ruby show to be presented Band starts practice for Spring concert Composition and technique discussed by Walter Hansen Summer...
Faculty show begins Chest drive, Nov. 15 Pancoast, Miller debate merits of Ike and Adlai Jones speaks to freshman class Group production judged success Death takes holiday in Curtain Club play Frosh officers disclosed;...
Post poll day elections held Curtain Club chooses '54-55 group leaders Fine bowling old chap Singley Music Club prexy Rice lectures in Germany Ron Fisher honored in paper Y sponsored square dance Harris new WAA prexy ...
MSGA buys record player Pre-medical society tours medical college Mayberry completes course Deltas present "Greditzia Moraine" to college "Stardust" top song "The Monkey's Paw" Group I production U.S. Naval Reserve to...