
Results: 71
Alternative Web-Based Assessment and Academic Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Student Teachers
Dina Ismaeel
Oct 01, 2020
The aim of the present study was to identify the effect of web-based self and peer-assessment approaches on improving pre-service student teachers' academic self-efficacy. In this context, a study was carried out during the...
Analytical and numerical seismic assessment of heritage masonry towers
Abstract: The new Italian building code, published in 2018 [MIT in NTC 2018: D.M. del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei trasporti del 17/01/2018. Aggiornamento delle Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (in Italian), 2018]...
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Interpreting folk humour and wisdom, Estonian style
Dina Lentsner, Saale Konsap
Aug 04, 2017
Although contemporary Estonian composer Lepo Sumera (1950-2000) is mostly known in North America as a symphonist, he has contributed to the development of the world-famous choral and vocal music culture of his homeland. Mushroom...
Published by: The Singing Network
Interpreting folk humour and wisdom, Estonian style
Although contemporary Estonian composer Lepo Sumera (1950-2000) is mostly known in North America as a symphonist, he has contributed to the development of the world-famous choral and vocal music culture of his homeland. Mushroom...
Published by: The Singing Network
Big Data Issues
Dina Darwish
Jul 01, 2024
Big data is a well-known concept today, as most of the data on the internet is considered big data. Also, big data is concerned with data with a huge size, velocity, variety, and veracity. Big data presents many challenges...
Achievement Emotions in Paper-Based Exams vs. Computer-Based Exams
This study investigates the emotional experiences of undergraduate students when taking computer-based compared to traditional paper-based exams. The authors surveyed 144 students and conducted in-depth written interviews with...
Three-dimensional analysis of masonry vaults using limit state analysis with finite friction
Dina F D'Ayala, E Tomasoni
Mar 01, 2011
Within the past 20 years, a growing number of methods for the analysis of masonry vaults have been developed. However, most methods idealize the vaults as a system of many arches. This oversimplification could be admissible for...
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Three-dimensional analysis of masonry vaults using limit state analysis with finite friction
Dina F D'Ayala, E Tomasoni
Mar 01, 2011
Within the past 20 years, a growing number of methods for the analysis of masonry vaults have been developed. However, most methods idealize the vaults as a system of many arches. This oversimplification could be admissible for...
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Analytical and numerical seismic assessment of heritage masonry towers
Abstract: The new Italian building code, published in 2018 [MIT in NTC 2018: D.M. del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei trasporti del 17/01/2018. Aggiornamento delle Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (in Italian), 2018]...
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Review of Clinical Studies Targeting Inflammatory Pathways for Individuals With Autism.
Immune dysfunction and abnormal immune response may be associated with certain mechanisms underlying autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The early evidence for this link was based on the increased incidence of ASD in children with a...
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Teachers' Perceptions of Digital Language Learning Strategies
The last four decades witnessed a plethora of research on language learning strategies (LLS) in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom. However, there is a paucity of research on the newly developed digital language...
Food-related inhibitory control training reduces food liking but not snacking frequency or weight in a large healthy adult sample
Inhibitory control training has recently been used as an intervention to aid healthy eating and encourage weight loss. The aim of this pre-registered study was to explore the effects of training on food liking, food consumption...
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Achievement Emotions in Online vs. In-Person Lectures
This study compared the achievement emotions of Egyptian undergraduates in online versus in-person classes. A sample of 147 students completed an adapted version of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire concerning class-related...
Impacts of Microgravity Analogs to Spaceflight on Cerebral Autoregulation.
It is well known that exposure to microgravity in astronauts leads to a plethora physiological responses such as headward fluid shift, body unloading, and cardiovascular deconditioning. When astronauts return to Earth, some...
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Impacts of Commonly Used Edible Plants on the Modulation of Platelet Function.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a primary cause of deaths worldwide. Thrombotic diseases, specifically stroke and coronary heart diseases, account for around 85% of CVDs-induced deaths. Platelets (small circulating blood...
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Using Naturalistic Vehicle-Based Data to Predict Distraction and Environmental Demand
This research utilized vehicle-based measures from a naturalistic driving dataset to detect distraction as indicated by long off-path glances (≥ 2 s) and whether the driver was engaged in a secondary (non-driving) task or not...
Modified TiO2 Nanomaterials as Photocatalysts for Environmental Applications
Since the water splitting breakthrough using semiconductor reported in 1972, titanium dioxide (TiO2) has been extensively investigated as a promising material used in broad range of research areas. TiO2 is a transition metal...
Reference Case Methods for Expert Elicitation in Health Care Decision Making.
BACKGROUND: The evidence used to inform health care decision making (HCDM) is typically uncertain. In these situations, the experience of experts is essential to help decision makers reach a decision. Structured expert...
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Implications of abnormal abdominal wall computed tomographic angiography findings on postmastectomy free flap breast reconstruction.
BACKGROUND: Preoperative computed tomography angiography (CTA) of the abdominal wall vessels is used when planning free flap breast reconstruction (FFBR) because it provides a surgical road map which facilitates flap harvest....
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