
Results: 293
The invasion speed of cell migration models with realistic cell cycle time distributions
Cell proliferation is typically incorporated into stochastic mathematical models of cell migration by assuming that cell divisions occur after an exponentially distributed waiting time. Experimental observations, however, show...
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The invasion speed of cell migration models with realistic cell cycle time distributions
Cell proliferation is typically incorporated into stochastic mathematical models of cell migration by assuming that cell divisions occur after an exponentially distributed waiting time. Experimental observations, however, show...
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Synchronised oscillations in growing cell populations are explained by demographic noise
Understanding synchrony in growing populations is important for applications as diverse as epidemiology and cancer treatment. Recent experiments employing fluorescent reporters in melanoma cell lines have uncovered growing...
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Synchronised oscillations in growing cell populations are explained by demographic noise
Understanding synchrony in growing populations is important for applications as diverse as epidemiology and cancer treatment. Recent experiments employing fluorescent reporters in melanoma cell lines have uncovered growing...
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Fiscal Responsibility and Multi-Level Governance
Public-policy assumptions regarding sub-national governments' financial behavior are based on economic rationality. Therefore, to achieve fiscal stability at the macro level, central governments use fiscal rules both to...
Analytical investigation of traditional lime plasters
Enrico Fodde
Jan 01, 0001
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the nature of lime plasters of a region of Sardinia, Italy. Several samples of scratch coat and skim coat were collected from both external and internal parts, and their study...
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The influence of soluble salts on the decay of Moenjodaro, Pakistan
Enrico Fodde
Jan 01, 0001
The World Heritage site of Moenjodaro, located in the Indus flood plain and dating to the early Bronze Age, is believed to be the most important urban centre of the Indus valley culture. The purpose of the paper is to discuss...
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Analytical investigation of traditional lime plasters
Enrico Fodde
Jan 01, 0001
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the nature of lime plasters of a region of Sardinia, Italy. Several samples of scratch coat and skim coat were collected from both external and internal parts, and their study...
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Traditional Earthen Building Techniques in Central Asia
Enrico Fodde
Apr 01, 2009
This article provides an overview of the principal earthen building materials of Central Asia and the cultural aspects of a traditional architecture that incorporates an understanding daring back centuries. The work was started...
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Cosmological Cutting Rules
Abstract: Primordial perturbations in our universe are believed to have a quantum origin, and can be described by the wavefunction of the universe (or equivalently, cosmological correlators). It follows that these observables...
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On the growth of nonlocal catenoids

As well known, classical catenoids in R 3 possess logarithmic growth at infinity. In this note we prove that the case of nonlocal minimal surfaces is significantly di¤erent, and indeed all nonlocal catenoids must...

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Cosmological Cutting Rules
Abstract: Primordial perturbations in our universe are believed to have a quantum origin, and can be described by the wavefunction of the universe (or equivalently, cosmological correlators). It follows that these observables...
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On the growth of nonlocal catenoids

As well known, classical catenoids in R 3 possess logarithmic growth at infinity. In this note we prove that the case of nonlocal minimal surfaces is significantly di¤erent, and indeed all nonlocal catenoids must...

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The influence of soluble salts on the decay of Moenjodaro, Pakistan
Enrico Fodde
Jan 01, 0001
The World Heritage site of Moenjodaro, located in the Indus flood plain and dating to the early Bronze Age, is believed to be the most important urban centre of the Indus valley culture. The purpose of the paper is to discuss...
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Symmetric superfluids
Abstract: We present a complete classification of symmetric superfluids, namely shift-symmetric and Poincaré invariant scalar field theories that have an enlarged set of classically conserved currents at leading order in...
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Enrico Fodde, M S Khan
Jun 01, 2010
The aim of this paper is to describe the main threats affecting Moenjodaro, an archaeological site that prospered from 2350 to 1800 BC in the fertile Indus flood plain of Sindh (Pakistan). The major hazard is today represented...
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The Cosmological Optical Theorem
Abstract: The unitarity of time evolution, or colloquially the conservation of probability, sits at the heart of our descriptions of fundamental interactions via quantum field theory. The implications of unitarity for scattering...
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Traditional Earthen Building Techniques in Central Asia
Enrico Fodde
Apr 01, 2009
This article provides an overview of the principal earthen building materials of Central Asia and the cultural aspects of a traditional architecture that incorporates an understanding daring back centuries. The work was started...
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Left 3-Engel elements of odd order in groups
Let G be a group and let x ε G be a left 3-Engel element of odd order. We show that x is in the locally nilpotent radical of G. We establish this by proving that any finitely generated sandwich group, generated by elements of...
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Nonlocal Delaunay surfaces
We construct codimension surfaces of any dimension that minimize a periodic nonlocal perimeter functional among surfaces that are periodic, cylindrically symmetric and decreasing.

These surfaces may be seen as a...
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Hygrothermal performance of an experimental hemp-lime building
The use of hemp-lime as a construction technique is a novel approach which combines renewable low carbon materials with exceptional hygrothermal performance. The hemp plant can grow up to 4m over a four month period, with a low...
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