
Results: 11
XPEEM and MFM Imaging of Ferroic Materials
Abstract: The authors describe and compare two complementary techniques that are habitually used to image ferromagnetic and ferroelectric materials with sub‐micron spatial resolutions (typically 50 nm, at best 10 nm). The first...
Magnetisation configuration in arrays of permalloy rectangles and its impact on magnetisation reversal
Abstract: The remanent domain structures of composite element magnetic barcodes have been imaged using photo-emission electron microscopy with contrast from x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD-PEEM) and analysed with...
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Magnetisation configuration in arrays of permalloy rectangles and its impact on magnetisation reversal
Abstract: The remanent domain structures of composite element magnetic barcodes have been imaged using photo-emission electron microscopy with contrast from x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD-PEEM) and analysed with...
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Large magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic oxide heterostructures assembled via epitaxial lift-off
Abstract: Epitaxial films may be released from growth substrates and transferred to structurally and chemically incompatible substrates, but epitaxial films of transition metal perovskite oxides have not been transferred to...
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Large magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic oxide heterostructures assembled via epitaxial lift-off
Abstract: Epitaxial films may be released from growth substrates and transferred to structurally and chemically incompatible substrates, but epitaxial films of transition metal perovskite oxides have not been transferred to...
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