
Results: 69
Dynamic limit pricing
Flavio Toxvaerd
Dec 13, 2016
I study a multi-period model of limit pricing under one-sided incomplete information. I characterize pooling and separating equilibria and their existence, and determine when these involve limit pricing. For some parameter...
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Assessment of Reference Architectures and Reference Models for Ambient Assisted Living Systems
The innovation and development of software systems in the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) domain have brought huge challenges for academia and software industry as well. Despite the existence of architectural models that can be...
Rather doomed than uncertain
We analyze the relation between individuals' risk aversion and their willingness to expose themselves to infection when faced with an asymptomatic infectious disease. We show that in a high prevalence environment, increasing...
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How load-carrying ants avoid falling over
BACKGROUND: Foraging workers of grass-cutting ants (Atta vollenweideri) regularly carry grass fragments larger than their own body. Fragment length has been shown to influence the ants' running speed and thereby the colony's...
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Understanding identity processes in support for reactionary and progressive social movements among advantaged and disadvantaged groups
Abstract: Across five studies (two representative, one pre‐registered, total N = 4962), we examined the role of collective narcissism and secure identity in support for reactionary (Alt‐Right and nationalist) and progressive...
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Impact of Surface Roughness on the Self-Assembling of Molecular Films onto Gold Electrodes for Label-Free Biosensing Applications
The properties of molecular films assembled over gold electrode surfaces are prone to reflect fabrication characteristics. Here we show the importance of controlling electrode surface characteristics of a gold interface destined...
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Impact of Surface Roughness on the Self-Assembling of Molecular Films onto Gold Electrodes for Label-Free Biosensing Applications
The properties of molecular films assembled over gold electrode surfaces are prone to reflect fabrication characteristics. Here we show the importance of controlling electrode surface characteristics of a gold interface destined...
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BACKGROUND: De novo assembly of RNA-seq data allows the study of transcriptome in absence of a reference genome either if data is obtained from a single organism or from a mixed sample as in metatranscriptomics studies. Given...
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Fratricide activity of MafB protein of N. meningitidis strain B16B6.
BACKGROUND: Neisseria meningitidis is an inhabitant of the mucosal surfaces of the human nasopharynx. We recently demonstrated that the secreted meningococcal Two-partner secretion protein A (TpsA) is involved in interbacterial...
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Micro-Hotspots of Risk in Urban Cholera Epidemics.
Targeted interventions have been delivered to neighbors of cholera cases in major epidemic responses globally despite limited evidence for the impact of such targeting. Using data from urban epidemics in Chad and Democratic...
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