
Results: 56
Eating disorder risk during behavioral weight management in adults with overweight or obesity
Summary: This systematic review examined change in eating disorder risk during weight management interventions. Four databases and clinical trials registries were searched in March and May 2022, respectively, to identify...
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Identification of a Novel Regulator of ER Stress-Induced Apoptosis
Genevieve S Joseph
Jan 01, 0001
The survival and development of a multicellular organism is reliant upon proper cell and organelle function, and the tight regulation of cell number. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the cellular compartment where membrane and...
Published by: Rockefeller University
The effect of non-communicative eye movements on joint attention.
Eye movements provide important signals for joint attention. However, those eye movements that indicate bids for joint attention often occur among non-communicative eye movements. This study investigated the influence of these...
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