The George Fish School operated in in Fort Mill, SC from 1926 through 1968. George Fish was a Rosenwald school that served as a segregated African Americans school until it was integrated in 1968. The school originally served...
Michael George teaches Religion and Culture, and Ethics at St. Thomas University in Fredericton, New Brunswick. He is interested in helping to promote the project of Integrative Bioethics, which he considers to be a possible...
In his February 27, 2015 interview with Jenna Kasmarik, Thomas Hickman shares his experiences complying with Title IX in the athletic department. Hickman lends his perspective on the pros and cons of Title IX and how the...
This Dolphin Yearbook combines the Class of 1962 and the Class of 1963 into one yearbook.
The George Fish School operated in in Fort Mill, SC from 1926 through 1968. George Fish was a Rosenwald school that served as a segregated...
The George Fish School operated in in Fort Mill, SC from 1926 through 1968. George Fish was a Rosenwald school that served as a segregated African Americans school until it was integrated in 1968. The school originally served...
This Dolphin Yearbook combines the Class of 1964 and the Class of 1965 into one yearbook.
The George Fish School operated in in Fort Mill, SC from 1926 through 1968. George Fish was a Rosenwald school that served as a segregated...
Michael George teaches Religion and Culture, and Ethics at St. Thomas University in Fredericton, New Brunswick. He is interested in helping to promote the project of Integrative Bioethics, which he considers to be a possible...
This Dolphin Yearbook combines the Class of 1966 and the Class of 1967 into one yearbook.
The George Fish School operated in in Fort Mill, SC from 1926 through 1968. George Fish was a Rosenwald school that served as a segregated...
Thomas Eisner, recipient of the 2005 Lewis Thomas Prize:
The Ruling Class: Tales of Insect Survival
The Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science is an international award that honors the "scientist as poet" and recognizes...
Frances Ashcroft, Ph.D., recipient of the 2013 Lewis Thomas Prize
Singing the Body Electric
The Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science is an international award that honors the "scientist as poet" and recognizes "the rare...
Jared Diamond, recipient of the 2002 Lewis Thomas Prize: Why Do Societies Collapse through Failure to Solve Their Problems?
The Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science is an international award that honors the "scientist as...
Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D., recipient of the 2012 Lewis Thomas Prize
Touched with Fire: Mood Disorders and Creativity
The Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science is an international award that honors the "scientist as...
AbstractIn 1727 the Revd George Lewis (c. 1663–1729) donated a wooden cabinet containing a diverse collection of items, including many manuscripts, to Cambridge University...
Whenever we think about African American history, we put our focus straight to slavery or the civil rights era, though it is much more than that. African American history in San Antonio has impacted the city’s business and...
Whenever we think about African American history, we put our focus straight to slavery or the civil rights era, though it is much more than that. African American history in San Antonio has impacted the city’s business and...
Robert M. Sapolsky, recipient of the 2008 Lewis Thomas Prize
Humans: Are We Just Another Primate? Are We Just a Collection of Neurons?
The Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science is an international award that honors the...
Atul Gawande, recipient of the 2014 Lewis Thomas Prize
The Doctor as Writer, The Writer as Doctor
The Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science is an international award that honors the "scientist as poet" and recognizes "the...
James D. Watson, recipient of the 2007 Lewis Thomas Prize
Rules for Writing Books
The Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science is an international award that honors the "scientist as poet" and recognizes "the rare individual...
Jean-Pierre Changeux, recipient of the 2004 Lewis Thomas Prize:
The Physiology of Truth: Toward a Neuroscience of Human Knowledge
The Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science is an international award that honors the...
Martin Reese, recipient of the 2009 Lewis Thomas Prize
From Big Bang to Biosphere
The Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science is an international award that honors the "scientist as poet" and recognizes "the rare individual...
Jane Thomas, marketing, is the fourth William H. Grier Professor for the College of Business Administration. Thomas, professor of marketing, joined CBA in 1990.
Whenever we think about African American history, we put our focus straight to slavery or the civil rights era, though it is much more than that. African American history in San Antonio has impacted the city’s business and...
Recent endowment has made the Lin Fearrington Thomas Scholarship a permanent fund at Winthrop. Thomas earned B.A. and M.B.A. degrees as a post-traditional student in the 1980s.