The Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey
EL Nielsen,
RJ De Rosa,
B Macintosh,
JJ Wang,
JB Ruffio,
E Chiang,
MS Marley,
D Saumon,
D Savransky,
S Mark Ammons,
VP Bailey,
T Barman,
C Blain,
J Bulger,
A Burrows,
J Chilcote,
T Cotten,
I Czekala,
R Doyon,
G Duchene,
TM Esposito,
D Fabrycky,
MP Fitzgerald,
KB Follette,
JJ Fortney,
BL Gerard,
SJ Goodsell,
JR Graham,
AZ Greenbaum,
P Hibon,
S Hinkley,
LA Hirsch,
J Hom,
LW Hung,
R Ilene Dawson,
P Ingraham,
P Kalas,
Q Konopacky,
JE Larkin,
EJ Lee,
JW Lin,
J Maire,
F Marchis,
C Marois,
S Metchev,
MA Millar-Blanchaer,
KM Morzinski,
R Oppenheimer,
D Palmer,
J Patience,
M Perrin,
L Poyneer,
L Pueyo,
RR Rafikov,
A Rajan,
J Rameau,
FT Rantakyrö,
B Ren,
AC Schneider,
A Sivaramakrishnan,
I Song,
R Soummer,
M Tallis,
S Thomas,
K Ward-Duong,
S Wolff
Apr 26, 2019
We present a statistical analysis of the first 300 stars observed by the
Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey (GPIES). This subsample includes six
detected planets and three brown dwarfs; from these detections and our...