“La Guerra de Fútbol,” Spanish for The Football War, erupted after a qualifying match in Mexico City between El Salvador and Honduras for the 1970 FIFA World Cup. Despite El Salvador winning the match, the state dissolved...
“La Guerra de Fútbol,” Spanish for The Football War, erupted after a qualifying match in Mexico City between El Salvador and Honduras for the 1970 FIFA World Cup. Despite El Salvador winning the match, the state dissolved...
Social innovation can involve reexamining traditional perspectives from new angles. This study illustrates how replicating a published study can provide new insights into understanding symptoms of depression and anxiety among...
The number of biomedical applications of hydrogels is increasing rapidly on account of their unique physical, structural, and mechanical properties. The utility of hydrogels as drug delivery systems or tissue engineering...
Ursinus institutes chapter of social science society Titus and Mutch to address largest graduating class Cub and Key elects officers; to serve as alumni liaison Curtain Club votes Schmidt president for 1950-51 term Y...
This chapter is focused on describing the history and the current relevance of user experience (UX) techniques that combine data science and AI in the research field of interactive and immersive storytelling, including virtual...
There has been a global shift towards courtroom broadcasting in a bid to extend the public gallery into a virtual realm. Such initiatives tend to be based on the idea that transmitting the courtroom boosts transparency, and with...
Cancers are complex adaptive diseases regulated by the nonlinear feedback systems between genetic instabilities, environmental signals, cellular protein flows, and gene regulatory networks. Understanding the cybernetics of...
Guadua Angustifolia Kunth (Guadua) is a tropical species of bamboo endemic to South and Central America and widely used as a mainstream material for construction in Colombia. Its rapid rate of biomass production, renewability...
Abstract: PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome is a diverse multi-system disorder predisposing to the development of hamartomatous growths, increasing risk of breast, thyroid, renal cancer, and possibly increasing risk of endometrial...
BACKGROUND: Hyponatremia is a well-known adverse event of repeated therapy with vincristine in oncological patients. However, to date, data in pediatric patients with malignant diseases other than acute lymphoblastic leukemia...
Guadua angustifolia Kunth (Guadua) was subjected to thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) treatments that modified its microstructure and mechanical properties. THM treatment was applied to Guadua with the aim of tackling the...
Quick Facts
Tanaka Chimbane, of Hillsboro, Texas, and Salvador Perez, of Orlando, Florida, traveled to Orlando for the 4-day conference with Philip Gibson, assistant professor of finance in the College of Business...
Abstract: Fifty years after the recognition of the Li–Fraumeni syndrome (LFS), our perception of cancers related to germline alterations of TP53 has drastically changed: (i) germline TP53 alterations are often identified among...
Abstract: PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome is a diverse multi-system disorder predisposing to the development of hamartomatous growths, increasing risk of breast, thyroid, renal cancer, and possibly increasing risk of endometrial...
Cytologists to give material on cancer from U.S. research Clothing drive opens today for overseas Steere to consider "Sense of Vocation" for emphasis week Coed societies map strategy in rushing season's candidates Committee...
Guadua Angustifolia Kunth (Guadua) is a tropical species of bamboo endemic to South and Central America and widely used as a mainstream material for construction in Colombia. Its rapid rate of biomass production, renewability...
Spatial learning and memory processes depend on anatomical and functional interactions between the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex. A key neurophysiological component of these processes is hippocampal theta rhythm, which...
Morphological analysis of landforms has traditionally relied on the interpretation of imagery. Although imagery provides a natural view of an area of interest (AOI) images are largely hindered by the environmental conditions at...
There has been a global shift towards courtroom broadcasting in a bid to extend the public gallery into a virtual realm. Such initiatives tend to be based on the idea that transmitting the courtroom boosts transparency, and with...