
Results: 365
Lawsuit by Former Women's Soccer Team Settled
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
After Winthrop University did not renew her contract, Heinz filed suit alleging that she was terminated because she had complained about gender inequities and harassment. Heinz settled her claims against Winthrop University for...
Published by: Winthrop University
An Exploration of COVID-19 and Its Consideration as a Black Swan for the Construction Industry in Switzerland
COVID-19 and its devastating yet unforeseeable effects affect the entire global economy value chain. Effects will be long-lasting and interfere with the way construction worked so far. Losses in the industry are expected to run...
Open Source Software Adoption in the Financial Services Industry
Although OSS has gained traction across industries worldwide, few studies have been reported on OSS adoption in the financial industry and even less in the context of developing countries. This paper presents an exploratory...
Estimating White-Tailed Deer Abundance in Urban Freshwater Tidal Marsh Habitat
Ian Johnson
Jan 01, 0001
In the past century deer populations have responded extremely well to human development. Today deer populations are the highest that they have been for centuries. These animals thrive in anthropogenic landscapes and in many...
Published by: Ursinus College
Experimental Investigation of Ion Formation for Auto-Ignition Combustion in a High-Temperature and High-Pressure Combustion Vessel

One of the main challenges in internal combustion engine design is the simultaneous reduction of all engine pollutants like carbon monoxide (CO), total unburned hydrocarbons (THC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and soot....

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Simple reaction time for broadband sounds compared to pure tones.
Although many studies have explored the relation between reaction time (RT) and loudness, including effects of intensity, frequency, and binaural summation, comparable work on spectral summation is rare. However, most real-world...
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Development of Phenomenological Models for Engine-Out Hydrocarbon Emissions from an SI di Engine within a 0D Two-Zone Combustion Chamber Description

The increasingly stringent limits on pollutant emissions from internal combustion engine-powered vehicles require the optimization of advanced combustion systems by means of virtual development and simulation tools. Among the...

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Experimental Investigation of Ion Formation for Auto-Ignition Combustion in a High-Temperature and High-Pressure Combustion Vessel

One of the main challenges in internal combustion engine design is the simultaneous reduction of all engine pollutants like carbon monoxide (CO), total unburned hydrocarbons (THC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and soot....

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Application of Bayesian Active Learning to the Estimation of Auditory Filter Shapes Using the Notched-Noise Method.
Time-efficient hearing tests are important in both clinical practice and research studies. This particularly applies to notched-noise tests, which are rarely done in clinical practice because of the time required....
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Increasing incidence of immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy

OBJECTIVES: Immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy (IMNM) is characterized by the predominant presence of necrotic muscle fibres in muscle biopsy and variable response to immunosuppressive treatment. The aims of this study were...

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Constraints on lateral gene transfer in promoting fimbrial usher protein diversity and function.
Fimbriae are long, adhesive structures widespread throughout members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. They are multimeric extrusions, which are moved out of the bacterial cell through an integral outer membrane protein called...
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Development of a Deep Neural Network for Speeding Up a Model of Loudness for Time-Varying Sounds
The “time-varying loudness” (TVL) model of Glasberg and Moore calculates “instantaneous loudness” every 1 ms, and this is used to generate predictions of short-term loudness, the loudness of a short segment of sound, such as a...
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Transcription-coupled repair and mismatch repair contribute towards preserving genome integrity at mononucleotide repeat tracts
Abstract: The mechanisms that underpin how insertions or deletions (indels) become fixed in DNA have primarily been ascribed to replication-related and/or double-strand break (DSB)-related processes. Here, we introduce a method...
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