Members begin new duties on Weekly staff New head waiters appointed DeSola and Scott direct new drama Bids for queen due April 18 China subject of Forum talk Ursinus student body favors Gen. Eisenhower for presidential...
Seniors guests of Reverend and Mrs. Yost "Our leader" Senate proceedings First home game an Ursinus victory Autumn leaves Professor Rapp takes examination Literary societies Smoker a success The Library
"A Bill of Divorcement" staged as climax of senior week-end Costello is chosen by lettermen to lead 1936 football eleven Conference drops frosh spring sports ruling Dr. Yost, Jr. reviews first Lantern issue Dr. Harner to...
Mrs. Pancoast to be speaker at Color Day WAA gives show tonite Curtain Club picks play; Reveals new raise system Y invites new members to dinner Feb. 11 Frosh to give dance Feb. 13 Sororities schedule dinner dance dates ...
Baseball men start pre-season workouts Nominations for officers made by central group Thirty-two candidates report for track work Girls' negative divides week's forensic honors Men's debating teams have successful week ...
Men debaters go on tour of four colleges; women are busy at home throughout week Student council lays penalties Sororities pledge flushed freshmen after hectic week Congressman Ditter to speak at forum Large crowd hails...
Living in the 19th century, Helen DeKroyft was an incredibly popular and highly praised blind orator and author. Her ability to gain such success was not only due to her intelligence, but also due to the ability for audiences to...
The purpose survives The magnificent Ursis Horribilis Students' character: Who's responsible? Alumni return to campus at night A catalyst for alumni central Going back to the future "Stardusters" in the spotlight again ...
Curtis concert Monday pleases large audience Theatre theme of English Club in final meeting H. Q. Van Ufford addresses joint Christian bodies Bears down Gettysburg by 8-2 score in final home stand of the season Gavin ties...
A senior at Winthrop College, Helen McRae (Pat) Hicklin of Richburg, SC has been selected for Who's Who among students in American colleges and universities for 1946-1947. Others named for Who's Who at Winthrop include: Marian...
Psych tests rate 'U' freshmen high Mothers banquet attended by 350 Yost commends Stoudt's acting in "Holiday" given by Curtain Club; four seniors depart Opera arrangements rapidly progressing Yearbook will appear next...
Four fraternities institute rushing in first semester Dr. Miller speaks to IRC on value of United Nations Forum to present English economist next Monday night Junior class to sponsor "Shipwreck Ball" Friday Omwake goes to...
President's page Rev J. A. Kaye to speak at commencement 11 students completed work in January New orientation program introduced this year Ursinus professors receive honors Presentation of the Messiah a true Ursinus...
Rushees sign sorority bids Saturday morn Girls plan fashion show Dr. Wagner gives med school advice Freshmen hear Dr. Helfferich Students discuss social life ideas at fireside chat WSGA enforces poster removal Quartet to...
During a memorial concert earlier this month, Helen Layton became the first recipient of the scholarship, which provides financial support for scholarships, faculty support and programming needs of the Peace, Justice, and...
Petitions for May queen to start Feb. 2 Revised final exam schedule 11 students to graduate this January Over 200 people hear Earle Spicer sing ballads Wed. Lucas, Scott join cast of Alpha Psi Pettit discovers fire in...
President's page Wood wins Republican nomination for governor President McClure edits sixteenth century poetry Dr. Gaylord P. Harnwell commencement speaker Dr. A. A. Welch preaches baccalaureate sermon Dr. Yost televised on...
Lorelei set for Feb. 29th; Leigh's Orchestra to play 70 students on coveted B-list; 58 ineligible Soph class to aid former member Art instructions now offered by teacher Curtain Club groups to stage two shows Second...
Enrollment drops back; Freshman class contributes 163 students to 692 total 2 more test for Selective Service set Thespians invite new talent; Fall comedy selected Martha Daniels, Jane Gulick elected new WSGA president...
Moral injury accounts for the complexity of symptoms evident in military personnel which go beyond the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis. This study sought to investigate the relationship between guilt and shame...
Weekly staff fills several new positions Spirit group plans contests Curtain Club holds tryouts for Fall play tonight at 6:30 Campus contest for blood donors begun Annual Y retreat to be this weekend Debaters meet tonight ...
Hallowe'en programs in literary societies Hallowe'en carnival tremendous success Albright proves easy for Ursinus Halloween and Walpurgis Night Freshman class holds banquet On the campus College directory
Sister Helen Prejean, author of "Dead Man Walking," will speak Oct. 29 in Tillman Auditorium. Prejean is an internationally known speaker and anti-death penalty activist.
University of Pennsylvania society debates Schaff Ursinus victim; Albright victor Death of Albert Vogel College spirit Christian associations Resolutions Inter-group basketball
Bringing a safe and effective pharmaceutical product or medical device to market requires an astonishing amount of time and money. This research features interviews with the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), Chief Scientific...