
Results: 132
Induced Arp2/3 Complex Depletion Increases FMNL2/3 Formin Expression and Filopodia Formation.
The Arp2/3 complex generates branched actin filament networks operating in cell edge protrusion and vesicle trafficking. Here we employ a conditional knockout mouse model permitting tissue- or cell-type specific deletion of the...
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A Novel Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem With Backhaul and Two-Dimensional Loading Constraints
In this paper, we consider an extension of the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls integrated with two-dimensional loading problem called DVRPB with 2D loading constraints (2L-DVRPB). In the VRPB, a vehicle can...
Building a Document-Oriented Warehouse Using NoSQL
The traditional data warehousing approaches should adapt to take into consideration novel needs and data structures. In this context, NoSQL technology is progressively gaining a place in the research and industry domains. This...
Rewiring Meiosis for Crop Improvement.
Meiosis is a specialized cell division that contributes to halve the genome content and reshuffle allelic combinations between generations in sexually reproducing eukaryotes. During meiosis, a large number of programmed DNA...
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Rewiring Meiosis for Crop Improvement
Meiosis is a specialized cell division that contributes to halve the genome content and reshuffle allelic combinations between generations in sexually reproducing eukaryotes. During meiosis, a large number of programmed DNA...
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Fuzzy Logic for Solving the Water-Energy Management Problem in Standalone Water Desalination Systems
This work investigates an important topic of energy and water security (water-energy nexus). For this purpose, Water-Energy Management Strategy (W-EMS) for a standalone water desalination system powered by PV-Wind source is...
User preferences and water use savings owing to washbasin taps retrofit
During the last decades, achieving water efficiency in buildings has increasingly become an important challenge in the scope of sustainability. Water consumption is directly related to individual conduct. Despite the various...
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The effect of increasing Women's autonomy on primary and repeated caesarean sections in Brazil.
Caesarean section (C-section) rates continue to rise globally. Yet, there is little consensus about the key determinants of rising C-section rates and the sources of variation in C-section rates across the world. While...
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Changes in the quantity and quality of time use during the COVID-19 lockdowns in the UK
Ines Lee, Eileen Tipoe
Jan 06, 2022
We investigated changes in the quantity and quality of time spent on various activities in response to the COVID-19-induced national lockdowns in the UK. We examined effects both in the first national lockdown (May 2020) and the...
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User preferences and water use savings owing to washbasin taps retrofit
During the last decades, achieving water efficiency in buildings has increasingly become an important challenge in the scope of sustainability. Water consumption is directly related to individual conduct. Despite the various...
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When Users Enjoy Using the System
This study utilized an extended model of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) to explore the factors influencing the future adoption of accounting information systems (AIS) by Qatari students. A...
Microbial stimulation fully differentiates monocytes to DC-SIGN/CD209 + dendritic cells for immune T cell areas
Dendritic cells (DCs), critical antigen-presenting cells for immune control, normally derive from bone marrow precursors distinct from monocytes. It is not yet established if the large reservoir of monocytes can develop into...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Molecular Basis of Mechanosensitivity
Mechanosensation is arguably the least understood of all senses. For most physiological processes, the first response to membrane stress is thought to be the opening or closing of mechanosensitive channels1, but the clonal...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Targeting Leishmania major Antigens to Dendritic Cells In Vivo Induces Protective Immunity
Efficient vaccination against the parasite Leishmania major, the causative agent of human cutaneous leishmaniasis, requires development of type 1 T-helper (Th1) CD4+ T cell immunity. Because of their unique capacity to initiate...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Anxiety and depression among medical doctors in Catalonia, Italy, and the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Healthcare workers have had the longest and most direct exposure to COVID-19 and consequently may suffer from poor mental health. We conducted one of the first repeated multi-country analysis of the mental wellbeing of medical...
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