
Results: 85
Peace, Love, and Politics: How Woodstock of 1969 Epitomized the Relationship Between Social Movements and Music
Jacklynn Ramsey
Jan 01, 0001
This research analyzes the role that music plays in social movements in the United States, focusing on Woodstock of 1969 as a pivotal moment. By examining the 1969 Woodstock through an academic lens, I illustrate the intrinsic...
Published by: Ursinus College
Ramsey and Joyce on deliberation and prediction
Yang Liu, Huw Price
Sep 14, 2020
Abstract: Can an agent deliberating about an action A hold a meaningful credence that she will do A? ‘No’, say some authors, for ‘deliberation crowds out prediction’ (DCOP). Others disagree, but we argue here that such...
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A Ramsey characterisation of eventually periodic words
A factorisation $x = u_1 u_2 \cdots$ of an infinite word $x$ on alphabet $X$ is called `monochromatic', for a given colouring of the finite words $X^*$ on alphabet $X$, if each $u_i$ is the same colour. Wojcik and Zamboni proved...
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Observing Action Sequences Elicits Sequence-Specific Neural Representations in Frontoparietal Brain Regions.
Learning new skills by watching others is important for social and motor development throughout the lifespan. Prior research has suggested that observational learning shares common substrates with physical practice at both...
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AH Welcomes New Editor
Sean McGrath
Apr 21, 2021
It is my pleasure to introduce AH12, The Phenomenology of Ludwig Landgrebe,guest edited by Sylvain Camilleri. This thorough and scholarly study will be formany an introduction to the important work of Landgrebe, who was...
AH Welcomes New Editor
Sean McGrath
Apr 21, 2021
It is my pleasure to introduce AH12, The Phenomenology of Ludwig Landgrebe,guest edited by Sylvain Camilleri. This thorough and scholarly study will be formany an introduction to the important work of Landgrebe, who was...
Risk, Reliability and Resilience
'Neolithization' pathway refers to the development of adaptations that characterized subsequent Neolithic life, sedentary occupations, and agriculture. In the Levant, the origins of these human behaviors are widely argued to...
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Atmospheric CO2 effect on stable carbon isotope composition of terrestrial fossil archives.
The 13C/12C ratio of C3 plant matter is thought to be controlled by the isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 and stomatal response to environmental conditions, particularly mean annual precipitation (MAP). The effect of CO2...
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The chronology of reindeer hunting on Norway's highest ice patches.
The melting of perennial ice patches globally is uncovering a fragile record of alpine activity, especially hunting and the use of mountain passes. When rescued by systematic fieldwork (glacial archaeology), this evidence opens...
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Towards an understanding of molecule capture by the antennae of male beetles belonging to the Genus <i>Rhipicera</i> (Coleoptera, Rhipiceridae)

Working on the hypothesis that an important function of the lamellate antennae of adult male beetles belonging to the genus Rhipicera is to detect scent associated with female conspecifics, and using field observations...

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Archaeobotanical evidence reveals the origins of bread 14,400 years ago in northeastern Jordan.
The origins of bread have long been associated with the emergence of agriculture and cereal domestication during the Neolithic in southwest Asia. In this study we analyze a total of 24 charred food remains from Shubayqa 1, a...
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Trading-off generations
The prevailing literature discusses intergenerational trade-offs in climate change predominantly in terms of the Ramsey equation relying on the infinitely lived agent model. We discuss these trade-offs in a continuous time OLG...
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Research on supporting mechanism of ancillary service of PV system to grid energy efficiency based on multi-time and space-time operation.
Under the background of high-energy penetration of new energy into the power grid, this paper takes the ancillary service capability of photovoltaic energy integrated into the grid as the starting point and builds a photovoltaic...
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Extracting quantum work statistics and fluctuation theorems by single qubit interferometry
We propose an experimental scheme to verify the quantum non-equilibrium fluctuation relations using current technology. Specifically, we show that the characteristic function of the work distribution for a non-equilibrium quench...
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Trading-off generations
The prevailing literature discusses intergenerational trade-offs in climate change predominantly in terms of the Ramsey equation relying on the infinitely lived agent model. We discuss these trade-offs in a continuous time OLG...
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Extracting quantum work statistics and fluctuation theorems by single qubit interferometry
We propose an experimental scheme to verify the quantum non-equilibrium fluctuation relations using current technology. Specifically, we show that the characteristic function of the work distribution for a non-equilibrium quench...
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Development of a Semi-Field System for Contained Field Trials With Aedes Aegypti in Southern Mexico
Development of new genetic approaches to either interfere with the ability of mosquitoes to transmit dengue virus or to reduce vector population density requires progressive evaluation from the laboratory to contained field...
Research on supporting mechanism of ancillary service of PV system to grid energy efficiency based on multi-time and space-time operation.
Under the background of high-energy penetration of new energy into the power grid, this paper takes the ancillary service capability of photovoltaic energy integrated into the grid as the starting point and builds a photovoltaic...
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Motion-driven flow in an unusual piscine nasal region
Fishes have several means of moving water to effect odorant transport to their olfactory epithelium (‘olfactory flow’). Here we show that olfactory flow in the adult garpike Belone belone (Belonidae, Teleostei), a fish with an...
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Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling in an Optical Lattice Clock.
We propose the use of optical lattice clocks operated with fermionic alkaline-earth atoms to study spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in interacting many-body systems. The SOC emerges naturally during the clock interrogation, when atoms...
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