Reaching toward a target viewed through laterally refracting prisms results in adaptation of both visual and (limb) proprioceptive spatial representations. Common ways to measure adaptation after-effect are to ask a person to...
Reaching toward a target viewed through laterally refracting prisms results in adaptation of both visual and (limb) proprioceptive spatial representations. Common ways to measure adaptation after-effect are to ask a person to...
During self-guided movements, we optimise performance by combining sensory and self-motion cues optimally, based on their reliability. Discrepancies between such cues and problems in combining them are suggested to underlie...
OBJECTIVE: In addition to pain, people with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) often report inattention to and disengagement from their affected limb (i.e., "neglect-like symptoms"). Understanding how these symptoms relate...
During self-guided movements, we optimise performance by combining sensory and self-motion cues optimally, based on their reliability. Discrepancies between such cues and problems in combining them are suggested to underlie...
Discomfort provoked by normally innocuous visual stimuli has been reported by people with chronic pain. Visual discomfort may be higher in pain conditions in which central sensitization is implicated, such as Complex Regional...
OBJECTIVE: In addition to pain, people with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) often report inattention to and disengagement from their affected limb (i.e., "neglect-like symptoms"). Understanding how these symptoms relate...
Distorted representations of the body and peripersonal space are common in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and might modulate its symptoms (eg, asymmetric limb temperature). In pain-free people, such representations...
Distorted representations of the body and peripersonal space are common in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and might modulate its symptoms (eg, asymmetric limb temperature). In pain-free people, such representations...
This study investigated whether there are gender differences in attention to bodily expressions of pain and core emotions. Three experiments are reported using the attentional dot probe task. Images of men and women...
Despite 25 years of research on the topic, there is still no consensus on whether prism adaptation is an effective therapy for visuospatial neglect. We have addressed this question through a meta-analysis of the most...
It has been suggested that incongruence between signals for motor intention and sensory input can cause pain and other sensory abnormalities. This claim is supported by reports that moving in an environment of induced...
It has been suggested that incongruence between signals for motor intention and sensory input can cause pain and other sensory abnormalities. This claim is supported by reports that moving in an environment of induced...
Patients with hemispatial neglect ('neglect') following a brain lesion show difficulty responding or orienting to objects and events on the left side of space. Substantial evidence supports the use of a sensorimotor training...
Despite 25 years of research on the topic, there is still no consensus on whether prism adaptation is an effective therapy for visuospatial neglect. We have addressed this question through a meta-analysis of the most...
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