
Results: 12
Noise-induced schooling of fish

We report on the dynamics of collective alignment in groups of the cichlid fish Etroplus suratensis. Focusing on small- to intermediate-sized groups (10 ≲ N ≲ 100), we demonstrate that schooling (highly polarized and coherent...

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Noise-induced schooling of fish

We report on the dynamics of collective alignment in groups of the cichlid fish Etroplus suratensis. Focusing on small- to intermediate-sized groups (10 ≲ N ≲ 100), we demonstrate that schooling (highly polarized and coherent...

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Towards Achieving Agility in Web-based Virtual Enterprises
Virtual enterprises are groups of loosely connected companies, each
providing certain core competencies and working collaboratively towards
achieving a common objective. Agility of a web-based virtual enterprise...
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Towards Achieving Agility in Web-based Virtual Enterprises
Virtual enterprises are groups of loosely connected companies, each
providing certain core competencies and working collaboratively towards
achieving a common objective. Agility of a web-based virtual enterprise...
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The unfolding body plan of primate embryos in culture.
Improved culture of non-human primate embryos reveals the establishment of the crucial framework for subsequent development of bodily tissues and the germline in fetuses, bringing us closer to comprehending the elusive...
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Fostering Collaborative Learning and Educational Mass Customization in a Graduate Level Engineering Design Course
The rapid progress of globalization has lead to many unprecedented changes in the world in which
our students will practice. New product development paradigms such as mass collaboration are
redefining the way in which...
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Fostering Collaborative Learning and Educational Mass Customization in a Graduate Level Engineering Design Course
The rapid progress of globalization has lead to many unprecedented changes in the world in which
our students will practice. New product development paradigms such as mass collaboration are
redefining the way in which...
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Strategic Design of Engineering Education for the Flat World
We believe that two critical success factors for an engineer in the flat world are an ability to adapt
to changes and to be able to work at the interface of different disciplines. Instead of educating
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Strategic Design of Engineering Education for the Flat World
We believe that two critical success factors for an engineer in the flat world are an ability to adapt
to changes and to be able to work at the interface of different disciplines. Instead of educating
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Educating Engineers for the Near Tomorrow
In this paper, we present an educational approach to facilitate Learning how to Learn, that is, to equip our students with competencies needed to become lifelong learners and succeed in the job market of the near tomorrow. Our...
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Educating Engineers for the Near Tomorrow
In this paper, we present an educational approach to facilitate Learning how to Learn, that is, to equip our students with competencies needed to become lifelong learners and succeed in the job market of the near tomorrow. Our...
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A Text Analytics Framework for Performance Assessment and Weakness Detection From Online Reviews
Present research proposes a framework that integrates aspect-level sentiment analysis with multi-criteria decision making (TOPSIS) and control charts to uncover hidden quality patterns. While sentiment analysis quantifies...