
Results: 28976
Interview with Edward "Ed" Harris, Brenda Dow, and Sylvester King - OH 296
In May of 2013 Mr. Edward Harris sat down and discussed his brother, Herman K. Harris, who was a part of the freedom riders. Mr. Harris also discusses his military service and his tour of duty in Vietnam. This interview was...
Published by: Winthrop University
Does the Madden-Julian Oscillation modulate stratospheric gravity waves?
The circulation of the stratosphere is strongly influenced by the fluxes of gravity waves propagating from tropospheric sources. In the tropics, these gravity waves are primarily generated by convection. The Madden-Julian...
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Does the Madden-Julian Oscillation modulate stratospheric gravity waves?
The circulation of the stratosphere is strongly influenced by the fluxes of gravity waves propagating from tropospheric sources. In the tropics, these gravity waves are primarily generated by convection. The Madden-Julian...
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Chemistry Major Selected to Attend Dow-MIT Access Program in October
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Johnson was selected to participate in the DOW-MIT ACCESS program, which was designed to increase the diversity of qualified applicants to Ph.D. programs in chemistry, chemical engineering and materials science throughout the...
Published by: Winthrop University
The circadian fluctuation of melatonin in <em>Stenostomum virginianum<em>
Much is known about melatonin and its role in the circadian regulation of vertebrate organisms. However, melatonin has not been studied extensively in more primitive bilaterians. The aim of this study was to analyze the...
Published by: Winthrop University
What gets left behind for future generations? Reproduction and the environment in Spey Bay, Scotland
K Dow
Apr 12, 2016
Based on fieldwork with people involved in the environmental movement in Scotland, this article describes the connections they made between the future of reproduction and the future of the environment. While we are used to...
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Adjusting the analytical aperture
The ever-expanding availability of reproductive technologies, the continued roll-out of 'family planning' and maternity services across low- and middle-income settings and the rapid development of the fertility industry mean...
Published by: BioSocieties
Synapse Formation in the Zebrafish Lateral Line
Eliot Dow
Jan 01, 0001
Although much is known about how axons and dendrites are guided to a target tissue, little is understood regarding how pre- and postsynaptic partners are matched for synapse formation. The zebrafish lateral line offers the...
Published by: Rockefeller University
A Computational Comparison of Three Nature-Inspired, Population-Based Metaheuristic Algorithms for Modelling-to-Generate Alternatives
Julian Yeomans
Jan 01, 2023
In “real life” decision-making situations, inevitably, there are numerous unmodelled components, not incorporated into the underlying mathematical programming models, that hold substantial influence on the overall acceptability...
'Now She's Just an Ordinary Baby'
Katharine Dow
Feb 28, 2018
The birth of Louise Brown, the first baby born through in vitro fertilisation (IVF), in England in 1978 attracted worldwide media attention. This article examines how the contemporary British news media framed this momentous...
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Reversible optical tuning of GeSbTe phase-change metasurface spectral filters for mid-wave infrared imaging.
Tunable narrowband spectral filtering across arbitrary optical wavebands is highly desirable in a plethora of applications, from chemical sensing and hyperspectral imaging to infrared astronomy. Yet, the ability to reconfigure...
Published by: Optica
Hannah Floyd Flatworm Named by Biology Majors to Remember Exceptional Student
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Joseph Bursey and Lance Graham said they thought the offbeat tribute would help immortalize the late Hannah Floyd. The flatworm, named hannahfloydae ("Hannah Floyd's flatworm"), was discovered by Bursey and biology professor...
Published by: Winthrop University
Data-Centric UML Profile for Wireless Sensors
Modelling WSN data behaviour is relevant since it would allow to evaluate the capacity of an application for supplying the user needs, moreover, it could enable a transparent integration with different data-centric information...
The Relationship Between Bitcoin and Stock Market
This article analyzes the relationship between Bitcoin and the stock market by using a vector autoregressive model. To enhance the impulse response signal, the Sliding Window technique is applied. Study results show the...
DNA polymerase stalling at structured DNA constrains the expansion of short tandem repeats
Abstract: Background: Short tandem repeats (STRs) contribute significantly to de novo mutagenesis, driving phenotypic diversity and genetic disease. Although highly diverse, their repetitive sequences induce DNA polymerase...
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