
Results: 165
Parallelizing particle filters with butterfly interactions

The bootstrap particle filter (BPF) is the cornerstone of many algorithms used for solving generally intractable inference problems with hidden Markov models. The long-term stability of the BPF arises from particle...

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Parallelizing particle filters with butterfly interactions

The bootstrap particle filter (BPF) is the cornerstone of many algorithms used for solving generally intractable inference problems with hidden Markov models. The long-term stability of the BPF arises from particle...

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Biophysics of high density nanometer regions extracted from super-resolution single particle trajectories
P Parutto, J Heck, M Heine, D Holcman
Dec 10, 2020
The cellular membrane is very heterogenous and enriched with high-density regions forming microdomains, as revealed by single particle tracking experiments. However the organization of these regions remain unexplained. We...
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Conformational isomerism controls collective flexibility in metal-organic framework DUT-8(Ni)

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are coordination networks with organic ligands containing potential voids. Some MOFs show pronounced structural flexibility that may result in closing and re-opening these pores. Here, we show...

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Conformational isomerism controls collective flexibility in metal-organic framework DUT-8(Ni)

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are coordination networks with organic ligands containing potential voids. Some MOFs show pronounced structural flexibility that may result in closing and re-opening these pores. Here, we show...

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The Grizzly, April 29, 2004
As the School Years Ends, The Search for Jobs Begins Life-Changing Volunteer Work Found At the Clinic Fad Diets: Do They Work? Opinions: Chronic Back Pain: Ouch!; Lacking Luster (Again) at La Fontana; Is Donald Trump the...
Published by: Ursinus College
Running coupling and power corrections in nonlinear evolution at the high-energy limit.
A main feature of high-energy scattering in QCD is saturation in the number density of gluons. This phenomenon is described by non-linear evolution equations, JIMWLK and BK, which have been derived at leading logarithmic...
Self-organisation and convection of confined magnetotactic bacteria.
Collective motion is found at all scales in biological and artificial systems, and extensive research is devoted to describing the interplay between interactions and external cues in collective dynamics. Magnetotactic bacteria...
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Breast cancer bone metastases are attenuated in a Tgif1-deficient bone microenvironment
Abstract: Background: Osteoclast activation is a hallmark of breast cancer-induced bone disease while little is known about the role of osteoblasts in this process. Recently, we identified the homeodomain protein TG-interacting...
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