
Results: 81
Dispositional Mindfulness and its Relationship to Distress and Functioning in Adolescents with Chronic Pain and Low-Level Pain
Objective: Dispositional mindfulness is the general tendency to pay attention to present-moment awareness without judgment. The main aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine: a) whether dispositional mindfulness is...
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Perception is seen as a process that utilises partial and noisy information to construct a coherent understanding of the world. Here we argue that the experience of pain is no different; it is based on incomplete, multimodal...
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Matter-Wave Diffraction from a Quasicrystalline Optical Lattice.
Quasicrystals are long-range ordered and yet nonperiodic. This interplay results in a wealth of intriguing physical phenomena, such as the inheritance of topological properties from higher dimensions, and the presence of...
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Dispositional Mindfulness and its Relationship to Distress and Functioning in Adolescents with Chronic Pain and Low-Level Pain
Objective: Dispositional mindfulness is the general tendency to pay attention to present-moment awareness without judgment. The main aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine: a) whether dispositional mindfulness is...
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Perception is seen as a process that utilises partial and noisy information to construct a coherent understanding of the world. Here we argue that the experience of pain is no different; it is based on incomplete, multimodal...
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Mapping Cortical Laminar Structure in the 3D BigBrain.
Histological sections offer high spatial resolution to examine laminar architecture of the human cerebral cortex; however, they are restricted by being 2D, hence only regions with sufficiently optimal cutting planes can be...
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White matter microstructure of the extended limbic system in male and female youth with conduct disorder
Background: Previous studies of conduct disorder (CD) have reported structural and functional alterations in the limbic system. However, the white matter tracts that connect limbic regions have not been comprehensively studied....
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