
Results: 78781
Annotating answer-set programs in Lana
While past research in answer-set programming (ASP) mainly focused on theory, ASP solver technology,
and applications, the present work situates itself in the context of a quite recent research trend:
development support...
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Annotating answer-set programs in Lana
While past research in answer-set programming (ASP) mainly focused on theory, ASP solver technology,
and applications, the present work situates itself in the context of a quite recent research trend:
development support...
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“Fridays Are Racist”
Lana Medina
Jan 01, 2024
Social media platforms have become a threat to democracy and human flourishing. Critics have previously expressed alarm that our ever-increasing technological habits are negatively influencing human values and virtues. This...
He Ala Kuikui Lima Kānaka
This article focuses on decolonizing, or specifically Indigenizing, a school of social work that has a stated focus on Native Hawaiians, other Pacific Islanders, and Asian populations in the Pacific region. Armed with Kanaka...
He Ala Kuikui Lima Kānaka
This article focuses on decolonizing, or specifically Indigenizing, a school of social work that has a stated focus on Native Hawaiians, other Pacific Islanders, and Asian populations in the Pacific region. Armed with Kanaka...
Associations between online food outlet access and online food delivery service use amongst adults in the UK
Abstract: Background: Online food delivery services facilitate ‘online’ access to food outlets that typically sell lenergy-dense nutrient-poor food. Greater online food outlet access might be related to the use of this...
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Human genetics of leishmania infections
Abstract: Identifying genetic risk factors for parasitic infections such as the leishmaniases could provide important leads for improved therapies and vaccines. Until recently most genetic studies of human leishmaniasis were...
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Human genetics of leishmania infections.
Identifying genetic risk factors for parasitic infections such as the leishmaniases could provide important leads for improved therapies and vaccines. Until recently most genetic studies of human leishmaniasis were underpowered...
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Associations between online food outlet access and online food delivery service use amongst adults in the UK
Abstract: Background: Online food delivery services facilitate ‘online’ access to food outlets that typically sell energy-dense nutrient-poor food. Greater online food outlet access might be related to the use of this purchasing...
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Public acceptability of the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy
Objectives: To determine whether public acceptability, in terms of both support for and perceived effectiveness of, the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy (SDIL) changed between 4 months prior to, and 8 and 20 months after...
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Achieving robustness to aleatoric uncertainty with heteroscedastic Bayesian optimisation
Abstract: Bayesian optimisation is a sample-efficient search methodology that holds great promise for accelerating drug and materials discovery programs. A frequently-overlooked modelling consideration in Bayesian optimisation...
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The Relationship between Self-Reported Exposure to Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Promotions and Intake
Sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption is independently associated with several non-communicable diseases, so policymakers are increasingly implementing measures, such as marketing regulation, to reduce intake. To help...
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Registered report
The use of Open Science practices is often proposed as a way to improve research practice, especially in psychology. Open Science can increase transparency and therefore reduce questionable research practices, making research...
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Attitudes Toward Wife Beating Among Female and Male Adolescents in Jordan.
Previous research in the Middle East and North Africa has revealed justifying attitudes toward wife beating among adults, but little is known about adolescent attitudes and its predictors. Therefore, the purpose of the present...
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Depression amongst interns working in a tertiary care teaching Hospital in Maharashtra
Background: Internship is a crucial stage of medical school regarding student stress which can affect the patient care negatively. Retrieving knowledge about presence of depression is therefore important in itself and if found...
Published by: IJHS Medical Association
A Model of Cloud Forensic Application With Assurance of Cloud Log
The key concepts of digital forensic investigation in cloud computing are examination and investigation. Cybercriminals target cloud-based web applications due to presence of vulnerabilities. Forensic investigation is a complex...
Depression amongst interns working in a tertiary care teaching Hospital in Maharashtra
Background: Internship is a crucial stage of medical school regarding student stress which can affect thepatient care negatively. Retrieving knowledge about presence of depression is therefore important in itself and iffound...
Published by: IJHS Medical Association
Use of Online Food Delivery Services to Order Food Prepared Away-From-Home and Associated Sociodemographic Characteristics
Online food delivery services like Just Eat and Grubhub facilitate online ordering and home delivery of food prepared away-from-home. It is poorly understood how these services are used and by whom. This study investigated the...
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