
Results: 2706
Search for the doubly heavy Xi bc0 baryon via decays to D(0)pK(-)
R Aaij, C Abellan Beteta, T Ackernley, B Adeva, M Adinolfi, H Afsharnia, CA Aidala, S Aiola, Z Ajaltouni, S Akar, J Albrecht, F Alessio, M Alexander, A Alfonso Albero, Z Aliouche, G Alkhazov, P Alvarez Cartelle, AA Jr Alves, S Amato, Y Amhis, L An, L Anderlini, G Andreassi, A Andreianov, M Andreotti, F Archilli, A Artamonov, M Artuso, K Arzymatov, E Aslanides, M Atzeni, B Audurier, S Bachmann, M Bachmayer, JJ Back, S Baker, P Baladron Rodriguez, V Balagura, W Baldini, J Baptista Leite, RJ Barlow, S Barsuk, W Barter, M Bartolini, F Baryshnikov, JM Basels, G Bassi, V Batozskaya, B Batsukh, A Battig, A Bay, M Becker, F Bedeschi, I Bediaga, A Beiter, V Belavin, S Belin, V Bellee, K Belous, I Belyaev, G Bencivenni, E Ben-Haim, A Berezhnoy, R Bernet, D Berninghoff, HC Bernstein, C Bertella, E Bertholet, A Bertolin, C Betancourt, F Betti, MO Bettler, Ia Bezshyiko, S Bhasin, J Bhom, L Bian, MS Bieker, S Bifani, JA Boelhauve, P Billoir, FCR Bishop, A Bizzeti, M Bjorn, MP Blago, T Blake, F Blanc, S Blusk, D Bobulska, V Bocci, O Boente Garcia, T Boettcher, A Boldyrev, A Bondar, N Bondar, S Borghi, M Borisyak, M Borsato, JT Borsuk, SA Bouchiba, TJV Bowcock, A Boyer, C Bozzi, MJ Bradley, S Braun, A Brea Rodriguez, M Brodski, J Brodzicka, A Brossa Gonzalo, D Brundu, E Buchanan, A Buonaura, C Burr, A Bursche, A Butkevich, JS Butter, J Buytaert, W Byczynski, S Cadeddu, H Cai, R Calabrese, L Calero Diaz, S Cali, R Calladine, M Calvi, M Calvo Gomez, P Camargo Magalhaes, A Camboni, P Campana, DH Campora Perez, AF Campoverde Quezada, S Capelli, L Capriotti, A Carbone, G Carboni, R Cardinale, A Cardini, I Carli, P Carniti, K Carvalho Akiba, A Casais Vidal, G Casse, M Cattaneo, G Cavallero, S Celani, R Cenci, J Cerasoli, AJ Chadwick, MG Chapman, M Charles, Ph Charpentier, G Chatzikonstantinidis, M Chefdeville, V Chekalina, C Chen, S Chen, A Chernov, S-G Chitic, V Chobanova, S Cholak, M Chrzaszcz, A Chubykin, V Chulikov, P Ciambrone, MF Cicala, X Cid Vidal, G Ciezarek, F Cindolo, PEL Clarke, M Clemencic, HV Cliff, J Closier, JL Cobbledick, V Coco, JAB Coelho, J Cogan, E Cogneras, L Cojocariu, P Collins, T Colombo, A Contu, N Cooke, G Coombs, S Coquereau, G Corti, CM Costa Sobral, B Couturier, DC Craik, J Crkovska, A Crocombe, M Cruz Torres, R Currie, CL Da Silva, E Dall'Occo, J Dalseno, C D'Ambrosio, A Danilina, A Davis, O De Aguiar Francisco, K De Bruyn, S De Capua, M De Cian, JM De Miranda, L De Paula, M De Serio, P De Simone, JA de Vries, CT Dean, W Dean, D Decamp, L Del Buono, B Delaney, H-P Dembinski, A Dendek, V Denysenko, D Derkach, O Deschamps, F Desse, F Dettori, B Dey, A Di Canto, P Di Nezza, S Didenko, H Dijkstra, V Dobishuk, AM Donohoe, F Dordei, M Dorigo, AC dos Reis, L Douglas, A Dovbnya, K Dreimanis, MW Dudek, L Dufour, P Durante, JM Durham, D Dutta, M Dziewiecki, A Dziurda, A Dzyuba, S Easo, U Egede, V Egorychev, S Eidelman, S Eisenhardt, S Ek-In, L Eklund, S Ely, A Ene, E Epple, S Escher, J Eschle, S Esen, T Evans, A Falabella, J Fan, Y Fan, B Fang, N Farley, S Farry, D Fazzini, P Fedin, M Feo, P Fernandez Declara, A Fernandez Prieto, F Ferrari, L Ferreira Lopes, F Ferreira Rodrigues, S Ferreres Sole, M Ferrillo, M Ferro-Luzzi, S Filippov, RA Fini, M Fiorini, M Firlej, KM Fischer, C Fitzpatrick, T Fiutowski, F Fleuret, M Fontana, F Fontanelli, R Forty, V Franco Lima, M Franco Sevilla, M Frank, E Franzoso, G Frau, C Frei, DA Friday, J Fu, Q Fuehring, W Funk, E Gabriel, T Gaintseva, A Gallas Torreira, D Galli, S Gallorini, S Gambetta, Y Gan, M Gandelman, P Gandini, Y Gao, LM Garcia Martin, B Garcia Plana, FA Garcia Rosales, L Garrido, D Gascon, C Gaspar, D Gerick, E Gersabeck, M Gersabeck, T Gershon, D Gerstel, Ph Ghez, V Gibson, A Gioventu, P Gironella Gironell, L Giubega, C Giugliano, K Gizdov, VV Gligorov, C Gobel, E Golobardes, D Golubkov, A Golutvin, A Gomes, P Gorbounov, IV Gorelov, C Gotti, E Govorkova, JP Grabowski, R Graciani Diaz, T Grammatico, LA Granado Cardoso, E Grauges, E Graverini, G Graziani, A Grecu, R Greim, P Griffith, L Grillo, L Gruber, BR Gruberg Cazon, C Gu, M Guarise, PA Guenther, E Gushchin, A Guth, Yu Guz, T Gys, T Hadavizadeh, G Haefeli, C Haen, SC Haines, PM Hamilton, Q Han, X Han, TH Hancock, S Hansmann-Menzemer, N Harnew, T Harrison, R Hart, C Hasse, M Hatch, J He, M Hecker, K Heijhoff, K Heinicke, AM Hennequin, K Hennessy, L Henry, J Heuel, A Hicheur, D Hill, M Hilton, PH Hopchev, J Hu, J Hu, W Hu, W Huang, W Hulsbergen, T Humair, RJ Hunter, M Hushchyn, D Hutchcroft, D Hynds, P Ibis, M Idzik, P Ilten, A Inglessi, K Ivshin, R Jacobsson, S Jakobsen, E Jans, BK Jashal, A Jawahery, V Jevtic, F Jiang, M John, D Johnson, CR Jones, B Jost, N Jurik, S Kandybei, M Karacson, JM Kariuki, N Kazeev, M Kecke, F Keizer, M Kelsey, M Kenzie, T Ketel, B Khanji, A Kharisova, KE Kim, T Kirn, VS Kirsebom, S Klaver, K Klimaszewski, S Koliiev, A Kondybayeva, A Konoplyannikov, P Kopciewicz, R Kopecna, P Koppenburg, M Korolev, I Kostiuk, O Kot, S Kotriakhova, L Kravchuk, RD Krawczyk, M Kreps, F Kress, S Kretzschmar, P Krokovny, W Krupa, W Krzemien, W Kucewicz, M Kucharczyk, V Kudryavtsev, HS Kuindersma, GJ Kunde, T Kvaratskheliya, D Lacarrere, G Lafferty, A Lai, D Lancierini, JJ Lane, G Lanfranchi, C Langenbruch, O Lantwin, T Latham, F Lazzari, R Le Gac, SH Lee, R Lefevre, A Leflat, O Leroy, T Lesiak, B Leverington, H Li, L Li, X Li, Y Li, Z Li, X Liang, T Lin, R Lindner, V Lisovskyi, G Liu, X Liu, D Loh, A Loi, J Lomba Castro, I Longstaff, JH Lopes, G Loustau, GH Lovell, Y Lu, D Lucchesi, M Lucio Martinez, Y Luo, A Lupato, E Luppi, O Lupton, A Lusiani, X Lyu, L Ma, S Maccolini, F Machefert, F Maciuc, V Macko, P Mackowiak, S Maddrell-Mander, LR Madhan Mohan, O Maev, A Maevskiy, D Maisuzenko, MW Majewski, S Malde, B Malecki, A Malinin, T Maltsev, H Malygina, G Manca, G Mancinelli, R Manera Escalero, D Manuzzi, D Marangotto, J Maratas, JF Marchand, U Marconi, S Mariani, C Marin Benito, M Marinangeli, P Marino, J Marks, J Marshall, G Martellotti, L Martinazzoli, M Martinelli, D Martinez Santos, F Martinez Vidal, A Massafferri, M Materok, R Matev, A Mathad, Z Mathe, V Matiunin, C Matteuzzi, KR Mattioli, A Mauri, E Maurice, M McCann, L Mcconnell, A McNab, R McNulty, JV Mead, B Meadows, C Meaux, G Meier, N Meinert, D Melnychuk, S Meloni, M Merk, A Merli, L Meyer Garcia, M Mikhasenko, DA Milanes, E Millard, M-N Minard, O Mineev, L Minzoni, SE Mitchell, B Mitreska, DS Mitzel, A Modden, A Mogini, RD Moise, T Mombacher, IA Monroy, S Monteil, M Morandin, G Morello, MJ Morello, J Moron, AB Morris, AG Morris, R Mountain, H Mu, F Muheim, M Mukherjee, M Mulder, D Muller, K Muller, CH Murphy, D Murray, P Muzzetto, P Naik, T Nakada, R Nandakumar, T Nanut, I Nasteva, M Needham, I Neri, N Neri, S Neubert, N Neufeld, R Newcombe, TD Nguyen, C Nguyen-Mau, EM Niel, S Nieswand, N Nikitin, NS Nolte, C Nunez, A Oblakowska-Mucha, V Obraztsov, S Ogilvy, DP O'Hanlon, R Oldeman, CJG Onderwater, JD Osborn, A Ossowska, JM Otalora Goicochea, T Ovsiannikova, P Owen, A Oyanguren, B Pagare, PR Pais, T Pajero, A Palano, M Palutan, G Panshin, A Papanestis, M Pappagallo, LL Pappalardo, C Pappenheimer, W Parker, C Parkes, G Passaleva, A Pastore, M Patel, C Patrignani, A Pearce, A Pellegrino, M Pepe Altarelli, S Perazzini, D Pereima, P Perret, K Petridis, A Petrolini, A Petrov, S Petrucci, M Petruzzo, A Philippov, L Pica, B Pietrzyk, G Pietrzyk, M Pili, D Pinci, J Pinzino, F Pisani, A Piucci, V Placinta, S Playfer, J Plews, M Plo Casasus, F Polci, M Poli Lener, M Poliakova, A Poluektov, N Polukhina, I Polyakov, E Polycarpo, GJ Pomery, S Ponce, A Popov, D Popov, S Popov, S Poslavskii, K Prasanth, L Promberger, C Prouve, V Pugatch, A Puig Navarro, H Pullen, G Punzi, W Qian, J Qin, R Quagliani, B Quintana, NV Raab, RI Rabadan Trejo, B Rachwal, JH Rademacker, M Rama, M Ramos Pernas, MS Rangel, F Ratnikov, G Raven, M Reboud, F Redi, F Reiss, C Remon Alepuz, Z Ren, V Renaudin, S Ricciardi, DS Richards, S Richards, K Rinnert, P Robbe, A Robert, AB Rodrigues, E Rodrigues, JA Rodriguez Lopez, M Roehrken, A Rollings, V Romanovskiy, M Romero Lamas, A Romero Vidal, JD Roth, M Rotondo, MS Rudolph, T Ruf, J Ruiz Vidal, A Ryzhikov, J Ryzka, JJ Saborido Silva, N Sagidova, N Sahoo, B Saitta, C Sanchez Gras, C Sanchez Mayordomo, R Santacesaria, C Santamarina Rios, M Santimaria, E Santovetti, G Sarpis, M Sarpis, A Sarti, C Satriano, A Satta, M Saur, D Savrina, H Sazak, LG Scantlebury Smead, S Schael, M Schellenberg, M Schiller, H Schindler, M Schmelling, T Schmelzer, B Schmidt, O Schneider, A Schopper, HF Schreiner, M Schubiger, S Schulte, MH Schune, R Schwemmer, B Sciascia, A Sciubba, S Sellam, A Semennikov, A Sergi, N Serra, J Serrano, L Sestini, A Seuthe, P Seyfert, DM Shangase, M Shapkin, L Shchutska, T Shears, L Shekhtman, V Shevchenko, EB Shields, E Shmanin, JD Shupperd, BG Siddi, R Silva Coutinho, L Silva de Oliveira, G Simi, S Simone, I Skiba, N Skidmore, T Skwarnicki, MW Slater, JG Smeaton, A Smetkina, E Smith, IT Smith, M Smith, A Snoch, M Soares, L Soares Lavra, MD Sokoloff, FJP Soler, B Souza De Paula, B Spaan, E Spadaro Norella, P Spradlin, F Stagni, M Stahl, S Stahl, P Stefko, O Steinkamp, S Stemmle, O Stenyakin, M Stepanova, H Stevens, S Stone, S Stracka, ME Stramaglia, M Straticiuc, S Strokov, J Sun, L Sun, Y Sun, P Svihra, K Swientek, A Szabelski, T Szumlak, M Szymanski, S Taneja, Z Tang, T Tekampe, F Teubert, E Thomas, KA Thomson, MJ Tilley, V Tisserand, S T'Jampens, M Tobin, S Tolk, L Tomassetti, D Torres Machado, DY Tou, E Tournefier, M Traill, MT Tran, E Trifonova, C Trippl, A Tsaregorodtsev, G Tuci, A Tully, N Tuning, A Ukleja, A Usachov, A Ustyuzhanin, U Uwer, A Vagner, V Vagnoni, A Valassi, G Valenti, M van Beuzekom, H Van Hecke, E van Herwijnen, CB Van Hulse, M van Veghel, R Vazquez Gomez, P Vazquez Regueiro, C Vazquez Sierra, S Vecchi, JJ Velthuis, M Veltri, A Venkateswaran, M Veronesi, M Vesterinen, D Vieira, M Vieites Diaz, H Viemann, X Vilasis-Cardona, G Vitali, A Vitkovskiy, A Vollhardt, D Vom Bruch, A Vorobyev, V Vorobyev, N Voropaev, R Waldi, J Walsh, J Wang, J Wang, J Wang, M Wang, Y Wang, Z Wang, DR Ward, HM Wark, NK Watson, D Websdale, A Weiden, C Weisser, BDC Westhenry, DJ White, M Whitehead, D Wiedner, G Wilkinson, M Wilkinson, I Williams, M Williams, MRJ Williams, T Williams, FF Wilson, W Wislicki, M Witek, L Witola, G Wormser, SA Wotton, H Wu, K Wyllie, Z Xiang, D Xiao, Y Xie, H Xing, A Xu, J Xu, L Xu, M Xu, Q Xu, Z Xu, Z Yang, Y Yao, LE Yeomans, H Yin, J Yu, X Yuan, O Yushchenko, KA Zarebski, M Zavertyaev, M Zdybal, M Zeng, D Zhang, L Zhang, S Zhang, WC Zhang, Y Zhang, A Zhelezov, Y Zheng, X Zhou, Y Zhou, X Zhu, V Zhukov, JB Zonneveld, S Zucchelli, D Zuliani, G Zunica
Feb 24, 2021
A search for the doubly heavy $\mathit{\Xi}_{bc}^{0}$ baryon using its decay to the $D^0pK^-$ final state is performed using proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV collected by the LHCb experiment...
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Monte Carlo cluster algorithm for fluid phase transitions in highly size-asymmetrical binary mixtures
Highly size-asymmetrical fluid mixtures arise in a variety of physical contexts, notably in suspensions of colloidal particles to which much smaller particles have been added in the form of polymers or nanoparticles....
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Monte Carlo cluster algorithm for fluid phase transitions in highly size-asymmetrical binary mixtures
Highly size-asymmetrical fluid mixtures arise in a variety of physical contexts, notably in suspensions of colloidal particles to which much smaller particles have been added in the form of polymers or nanoparticles....
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Genomic evolution of cancer metastasis under therapeutic pressure
Abstract: In the era of precision medicine, the selection of cancer treatment relies increasingly on the identification of genomic alterations; however, it is not yet clear how frequently genomic profiling should be performed...
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Closed-loop chemical recycling of cross-linked polymeric materials based on reversible amidation chemistry.
Closed-loop chemical recycling provides a solution to the end-of-use problem of synthetic polymers. However, it remains a major challenge to design dynamic bonds, capable of effective bonding and reversible cleaving, for...
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Closed-loop chemical recycling of cross-linked polymeric materials based on reversible amidation chemistry.
Closed-loop chemical recycling provides a solution to the end-of-use problem of synthetic polymers. However, it remains a major challenge to design dynamic bonds, capable of effective bonding and reversible cleaving, for...
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Does Scarce Inventory Information Disclosure Strategy Promote Online Sales?
In pursuit of promoting sales, certain e-commerce vendors post scarce inventory messages on product pages to signal impending stockouts. To explore how disclosure information strategy regarding scarce inventory influences online...
Search for the radiative Ξb− → Ξ<sup> −</sup> γ decay
The first search for the rare radiative decay $\Xi_b^- \to \Xi^- \gamma$ is performed using data collected by the LHCb experiment in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an...
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Application of Computer Vision on E-Commerce Platforms and Its Impact on Sales Forecasting
In today's digital age, the e-commerce industry continues to grow and flourish. The widespread application of computer vision technology has brought revolutionary changes to e-commerce platforms. Extracting image features from...
Sub-5 nm single crystalline organic p-n heterojunctions.
The cornerstones of emerging high-performance organic photovoltaic devices are bulk heterojunctions, which usually contain both structure disorders and bicontinuous interpenetrating grain boundaries with interfacial defects....
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Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξcc+ in the Ξc+<sup>π−</sup><sup>π+</sup> final state
A search for the doubly charmed baryon $\it{\Xi}_{cc}^{+}$ is performed in the $\it{\Xi}_{c}^{+} \pi^{-} \pi^{+}$ invariant-mass spectrum, where the $\it{\Xi}_{c}^{+}$ baryon is reconstructed in the $p K^{-} \pi^{+}$...
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Sub-5 nm single crystalline organic p-n heterojunctions.
The cornerstones of emerging high-performance organic photovoltaic devices are bulk heterojunctions, which usually contain both structure disorders and bicontinuous interpenetrating grain boundaries with interfacial defects....
Published by: Nature Communications
Search for the radiative Ξb− → Ξ<sup> −</sup> γ decay
The first search for the rare radiative decay $\Xi_b^- \to \Xi^- \gamma$ is performed using data collected by the LHCb experiment in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an...
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In Other Words
This empirical study takes a cognitive perspective and examines the translation of metaphors in speeches by Chinese President Xi Jinping as collected in the first volume of the book The Governance of China published in 2014. The...
A search for Ξcc++ → D<sup>+</sup>pK<sup>−</sup> π <sup>+</sup> decays
A search for the $\it{\Xi}^{++}_{cc}$ baryon through the $\it{\Xi}^{++}_{cc} \rightarrow D^{+} p K^{-} \pi^{+}$ decay is performed with a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.7 $\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ recorded...
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Flexible PVDF-TrFE Nanocomposites with Ag-decorated BCZT Heterostructures for Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Applications

Flexible piezoelectric nanogenerators are playing an important role in delivering power to next-generation wearable electronic devices due to their high-power density and potential to create self-powered sensors for the...

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Strategy of Electrolyte Design
The zinc-air batteries (ZABs) are regarded as the most potential energy storage device for the next generation. However, the zinc anode passivation and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in alkaline electrolyte situations inhibit...
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