
Results: 13
RNA-Seq Time Series of Vitis vinifera Bud Development Reveals Correlation of Expression Patterns with the Local Temperature Profile.
Plants display sophisticated mechanisms to tolerate challenging environmental conditions and need to manage their ontogenesis in parallel. Here, we set out to generate an RNA-Seq time series dataset throughout grapevine (Vitis...
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The fall of the summer truffle
Global warming is pushing populations outside their range of physiological tolerance. According to the environmental envelope framework, the most vulnerable populations occur near the climatic edge of their species'...
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Intravalley Spin-Flip Relaxation Dynamics in Single-Layer WS2.
In monolayer (1L) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) the valence and conduction bands are spin-split because of the strong spin-orbit interaction. In tungsten-based TMDs the spin-ordering of the conduction band is such that...
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The genetic landscape of axonal neuropathies in the middle-aged and elderly
OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that monogenic neuropathies such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) contribute to frequent but often unexplained neuropathies in the elderly, we performed genetic analysis of 230 patients with...
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