
Results: 667
Computing Spectral Measures and Spectral Types
MJ Colbrook
May 04, 2021
Spectral measures arise in numerous applications such as quantum mechanics, signal processing, resonances, and fluid stability. Similarly, spectral decompositions (pure point, absolutely continuous and singular continuous) often...
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On the infinite-dimensional QR algorithm
Abstract: Spectral computations of infinite-dimensional operators are notoriously difficult, yet ubiquitous in the sciences. Indeed, despite more than half a century of research, it is still unknown which classes of operators...
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The difficulty of computing stable and accurate neural networks
Deep learning (DL) has had unprecedented success and is now entering scientific computing with full force. However, current DL methods typically suffer from instability, even when universal approximation properties guarantee the...
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Time Dependence of Few-Body Forster Interactions Among Ultracold Rydberg Atoms
Rubidium Rydberg atoms in either |mj| sublevel of the 36p3/2 state can exchange energy via Stark-tuned Förster resonances, including two-, three-, and four-body dipole-dipole interactions. Three-body interactions of this type...
Published by: Ursinus College
Branched ketone biofuels as blending agents for Jet-A1 aviation kerosene
In this investigation a range of ketone biofuels produced from the alkylation of isoamyl alcohol and isobutanol were examined as potential blending agents with Jet A-1 aviation kerosene. The fuels were synthesized under...
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Branched ketone biofuels as blending agents for Jet-A1 aviation kerosene
In this investigation a range of ketone biofuels produced from the alkylation of isoamyl alcohol and isobutanol were examined as potential blending agents with Jet A-1 aviation kerosene. The fuels were synthesized under...
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Silica hollow core microstructured fibres for mid-infrared surgical applications
In this paper two silica hollow core microstructured fibres (Negative Curvature Fibre and Photonic Bandgap Fibre) are presented with attenuations of 0.06 dB/m and 1.1 dB/m at 2.94 μm wavelengths, respectively. This is an...
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Quantum Mechanical Interference in the Field Ionization of Rydberg Atoms
Jacob A. Hollingsworth
Jan 01, 0001
Rydberg atoms are traditionally alkali metal atoms with their valence electron excited to a state of very large principle quantum number. They possess exaggerated properties, and are consequently an attractive area of study for...
Published by: Ursinus College
Silica hollow core microstructured fibres for mid-infrared surgical applications
In this paper two silica hollow core microstructured fibres (Negative Curvature Fibre and Photonic Bandgap Fibre) are presented with attenuations of 0.06 dB/m and 1.1 dB/m at 2.94 μm wavelengths, respectively. This is an...
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Methods of 3D printing models of pituitary tumors.
BACKGROUND: Pituitary adenomas can give rise to a variety of clinical disorders and surgery is often the primary treatment option. However, preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) does not always reliably identify the site...
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Millijoule laser pulse delivery for spark ignition through kagome hollow-core fiber
We report on power handling oriented design of kagome lattice hollow-core fiber and demonstrate through it for the first time nanosecond laser pulses induced spark ignition in a friendly manner. Two different core designs and...
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Meta-analysis of the current prevalence of screen-detected abdominal aortic aneurysm in women.
BACKGROUND: Although women represent an increasing proportion of those presenting with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) rupture, the current prevalence of AAA in women is unknown. The contemporary population prevalence of...
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Millijoule laser pulse delivery for spark ignition through kagome hollow-core fiber
We report on power handling oriented design of kagome lattice hollow-core fiber and demonstrate through it for the first time nanosecond laser pulses induced spark ignition in a friendly manner. Two different core designs and...
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