
Results: 2412
S.C. Governor Appoints Gary Williams to Winthrop Board of Trustees
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
HIGHLIGHTS Williams will immediately fill the seat held by Don Long, who was appointed to the seat by former S.C. Governor Nikki Haley. Williams is the CEO of Williams & Fudge Corp., a financial services firm in Rock Hill....
Published by: Winthrop University
Dorothy W. Williams '60 Endows Fund for Family and Consumer Sciences
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
The Dorothy W. Williams Family and Consumer Sciences Fund will provide funds for the family and consumer sciences program to be used for scholarship awards; travel for student and faculty development; activities of the Winthrop...
Published by: Winthrop University
Tennessee Williams' ''A Streetcar Named Desire'' Returns to Winthrop Feb. 17
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Russell Luke, instructor of theatre, will direct Tennessee Williams' classic play, which runs Feb. 17-21. "A Streetcar Named Desire" was last performed at Winthrop in 1960.
Published by: Winthrop University
The shaken realist
Abstract: Bernard Williams thought that philosophy should address real human concerns felt beyond academic philosophy. But what wider concerns are addressed by Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, a book he introduces as being...
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Measurement of the CKM angle γ and Bs0‐B¯s0 mixing frequency with Bs0→Ds∓<sup>h±</sup><sup>π±</sup><sup>π∓</sup> decays
The CKM angle $\gamma$ is measured for the first time from mixing-induced $CP$ violation between $B^0_s \rightarrow D_s^\mp K^\pm \pi^\pm \pi^\mp$ and $\bar{B}^0_s \rightarrow D_s^\pm K^\mp \pi^\mp \pi^\pm$ decays reconstructed...
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Musicians to Perform Sacred African Music Concert on Sept. 14
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Michael Williams and Michael Spiro will perform a concert Sept. 14 in Byrnes Auditorium. Williams will play the mbira; Spiro plays the bata drums.
Published by: Winthrop University
Observation of the Bs0 -> (DD -/+)-D-*+/- decay
R Aaij, C Abellan Beteta, B Adeva, M Adinolfi, CA Aidala, Z Ajaltouni, S Akar, P Albicocco, J Albrecht, F Alessio, M Alexander, A Alfonso Albero, G Alkhazov, P Alvarez Cartelle, AA Jr Alves, S Amato, S Amerio, Y Amhis, L An, L Anderlini, G Andreassi, M Andreotti, JE Andrews, F Archilli, P D'Argent, J Arnau Romeu, A Artamonov, M Artuso, K Arzymatov, E Aslanides, M Atzeni, B Audurier, S Bachmann, JJ Back, S Baker, V Balagura, W Baldini, A Baranov, RJ Barlow, GC Barrand, S Barsuk, W Barter, M Bartolini, F Baryshnikov, V Batozskaya, B Batsukh, A Battig, V Battista, A Bay, J Beddow, F Bedeschi, I Bediaga, A Beiter, LJ Bel, S Belin, N Beliy, V Bellee, N Belloli, K Belous, I Belyaev, E Ben-Haim, G Bencivenni, S Benson, S Beranek, A Berezhnoy, R Bernet, D Berninghoff, E Bertholet, A Bertolin, C Betancourt, F Betti, MO Bettler, M van Beuzekom, Ia Bezshyiko, S Bhasin, J Bhom, S Bifani, P Billoir, A Birnkraut, A Bizzeti, M Bjorn, MP Blago, T Blake, F Blanc, S Blusk, D Bobulska, V Bocci, O Boente Garcia, T Boettcher, A Bondar, N Bondar, S Borghi, M Borisyak, M Borsato, F Bossu, M Boubdir, TJV Bowcock, C Bozzi, S Braun, M Brodski, J Brodzicka, A Brossa Gonzalo, D Brundu, E Buchanan, A Buonaura, C Burr, A Bursche, J Buytaert, W Byczynski, S Cadeddu, H Cai, R Calabrese, R Calladine, M Calvi, M Calvo Gomez, A Camboni, P Campana, DH Campora Perez, L Capriotti, A Carbone, G Carboni, R Cardinale, A Cardini, P Carniti, K Carvalho Akiba, G Casse, L Cassina, M Cattaneo, G Cavallero, R Cenci, D Chamont, MG Chapman, M Charles, Ph Charpentier, G Chatzikonstantinidis, M Chefdeville, V Chekalina, C Chen, S Chen, S-G Chitic, V Chobanova, M Chrzaszcz, A Chubykin, P Ciambrone, X Cid Vidal, G Ciezarek, F Cindolo, PEL Clarke, M Clemencic, HV Cliff, J Closier, V Coco, JAB Coelho, J Cogan, E Cogneras, L Cojocariu, P Collins, T Colombo, A Comerma-Montells, A Contu, G Coombs, S Coquereau, G Corti, M Corvo, CM Costa Sobral, B Couturier, GA Cowan, DC Craik, A Crocombe, M Cruz Torres, R Currie, C D'Ambrosio, F Da Cunha Marinho, CL Da Silva, E Dall'Occo, J Dalseno, A Danilina, A Davis, O De Aguiar Francisco, K De Bruyn, S De Capua, M De Cian, JM De Miranda, L De Paula, M De Serio, P De Simone, CT Dean, D Decamp, L Del Buono, B Delaney, H-P Dembinski, M Demmer, A Dendek, D Derkach, O Deschamps, F Desse, F Dettori, B Dey, A Di Canto, P Di Nezza, S Didenko, H Dijkstra, F Dordei, M Dorigo, A Dosil Suarez, L Douglas, A Dovbnya, K Dreimanis, L Dufour, G Dujany, P Durante, JM Durham, D Dutta, R Dzhelyadin, M Dziewiecki, A Dziurda, A Dzyuba, S Easo, U Egede, V Egorychev, S Eidelman, S Eisenhardt, U Eitschberger, R Ekelhof, L Eklund, S Ely, A Ene, S Escher, S Esen, T Evans, A Falabella, N Farley, S Farry, D Fazzini, P Fernandez Declara, A Fernandez Prieto, F Ferrari, L Ferreira Lopes, F Ferreira Rodrigues, M Ferro-Luzzi, S Filippov, RA Fini, M Fiorini, M Firlej, C Fitzpatrick, T Fiutowski, F Fleuret, M Fontana, F Fontanelli, R Forty, V Franco Lima, M Frank, C Frei, J Fu, W Funk, C Farber, M Feo, E Gabriel, A Gallas Torreira, D Galli, S Gallorini, S Gambetta, Y Gan, M Gandelman, P Gandini, Y Gao, LM Garcia Martin, B Garcia Plana, J Garcia Pardinas, J Garra Tico, L Garrido, D Gascon, C Gaspar, L Gavardi, G Gazzoni, D Gerick, E Gersabeck, M Gersabeck, T Gershon, D Gerstel, Ph Ghez, V Gibson, OG Girard, P Gironella Gironell, L Giubega, K Gizdov, VV Gligorov, D Golubkov, A Golutvin, A Gomes, IV Gorelov, C Gotti, E Govorkova, JP Grabowski, R Graciani Diaz, LA Granado Cardoso, E Grauges, E Graverini, G Graziani, A Grecu, R Greim, P Griffith, L Grillo, L Gruber, BR Gruberg Cazon, O Gruenberg, C Gu, E Gushchin, A Guth, Yu Guz, T Gys, C Gobel, T Hadavizadeh, C Hadjivasiliou, G Haefeli, C Haen, SC Haines, B Hamilton, X Han, TH Hancock, S Hansmann-Menzemer, N Harnew, T Harrison, C Hasse, M Hatch, J He, M Hecker, K Heinicke, A Heister, K Hennessy, L Henry, E van Herwijnen, J Heuel, M Heß, A Hicheur, R Hidalgo Charman, D Hill, M Hilton, PH Hopchev, J Hu, W Hu, W Huang, ZC Huard, W Hulsbergen, T Humair, M Hushchyn, D Hutchcroft, D Hynds, P Ibis, M Idzik, P Ilten, A Inglessi, A Inyakin, K Ivshin, R Jacobsson, J Jalocha, E Jans, BK Jashal, A Jawahery, F Jiang, M John, D Johnson, CR Jones, C Joram, B Jost, N Jurik, S Kandybei, M Karacson, JM Kariuki, S Karodia, N Kazeev, M Kecke, F Keizer, M Kelsey, M Kenzie, T Ketel, E Khairullin, B Khanji, C Khurewathanakul, KE Kim, T Kirn, VS Kirsebom, S Klaver, K Klimaszewski, T Klimkovich, S Koliiev, M Kolpin, R Kopecna, P Koppenburg, I Kostiuk, S Kotriakhova, M Kozeiha, L Kravchuk, M Kreps, F Kress, P Krokovny, W Krupa, W Krzemien, W Kucewicz, M Kucharczyk, V Kudryavtsev, AK Kuonen, T Kvaratskheliya, D Lacarrere, G Lafferty, A Lai, D Lancierini, G Lanfranchi, C Langenbruch, T Latham, C Lazzeroni, R Le Gac, Le At, R Lefevre, F Lemaitre, O Leroy, T Lesiak, B Leverington, P-R Li, Y Li, Z Li, X Liang, T Likhomanenko, R Lindner, F Lionetto, V Lisovskyi, G Liu, X Liu, D Loh, A Loi, I Longstaff, JH Lopes, GH Lovell, D Lucchesi, M Lucio Martinez, A Lupato, E Luppi, O Lupton, A Lusiani, X Lyu, F Machefert, F Maciuc, V Macko, P Mackowiak, S Maddrell-Mander, O Maev, K Maguire, D Maisuzenko, MW Majewski, S Malde, B Malecki, A Malinin, T Maltsev, G Manca, G Mancinelli, D Marangotto, J Maratas, JF Marchand, U Marconi, C Marin Benito, M Marinangeli, P Marino, J Marks, PJ Marshall, G Martellotti, M Martinelli, D Martinez Santos, F Martinez Vidal, A Massafferri, M Materok, R Matev, A Mathad, Z Mathe, C Matteuzzi, A Mauri, E Maurice, B Maurin, M McCann, A McNab, R McNulty, JV Mead, B Meadows, C Meaux, N Meinert, D Melnychuk, M Merk, A Merli, E Michielin, DA Milanes, E Millard, M-N Minard, L Minzoni, DS Mitzel, A Mogini, RD Moise, T Mombaecher, IA Monroy, S Monteil, M Morandin, G Morello, MJ Morello, O Morgunova, J Moron, AB Morris, R Mountain, F Muheim, M Mukherjee, M Mulder, CH Murphy, D Murray, A Moedden, D Mueller, J Mueller, K Mueller, V Mueller, P Naik, T Nakada, R Nandakumar, A Nandi, T Nanut, I Nasteva, M Needham, N Neri, S Neubert, N Neufeld, R Newcombe, TD Nguyen, C Nguyen-Mau, S Nieswand, R Niet, N Nikitin, A Nogay, NS Nolte, DP O'Hanlon, A Oblakowska-Mucha, V Obraztsov, R Oldeman, CJG Onderwater, A Ossowska, JM Otalora Goicochea, T Ovsiannikova, P Owen, A Oyanguren, PR Pais, T Pajero, A Palano, M Palutan, G Panshin, A Papanestis, M Pappagallo, LL Pappalardo, W Parker, C Parkes, G Passaleva, A Pastore, M Patel, C Patrignani, A Pearce, A Pellegrino, G Penso, M Pepe Altarelli, S Perazzini, D Pereima, P Perret, L Pescatore, K Petridis, A Petrolini, A Petrov, S Petrucci, M Petruzzo, B Pietrzyk, G Pietrzyk, M Pikies, M Pili, D Pinci, J Pinzino, F Pisani, A Piucci, V Placinta, S Playfer, J Plews, M Plo Casasus, F Polci, M Poli Lener, A Poluektov, N Polukhina, I Polyakov, E Polycarpo, GJ Pomery, S Ponce, A Popov, D Popov, S Poslavskii, E Price, J Prisciandaro, C Prouve, V Pugatch, A Puig Navarro, H Pullen, G Punzi, W Qian, J Qin, R Quagliani, B Quintana, NV Raab, B Rachwal, JH Rademacker, M Rama, M Ramos Pernas, MS Rangel, F Ratnikov, G Raven, M Ravonel Salzgeber, M Reboud, F Redi, S Reichert, AC dos Reis, F Reiss, C Remon Alepuz, Z Ren, V Renaudin, S Ricciardi, S Richards, K Rinnert, P Robbe, A Robert, AB Rodrigues, E Rodrigues, JA Rodriguez Lopez, M Roehrken, S Roiser, A Rollings, V Romanovskiy, A Romero Vidal, M Rotondo, MS Rudolph, T Ruf, J Ruiz Vidal, JJ Saborido Silva, N Sagidova, B Saitta, V Salustino Guimaraes, C Sanchez Gras, C Sanchez Mayordomo, B Sanmartin Sedes, R Santacesaria, C Santamarina Rios, M Santimaria, E Santovetti, G Sarpis, A Sarti, C Satriano, A Satta, M Saur, D Savrina, S Schael, M Schellenberg, M Schiller, H Schindler, M Schmelling, T Schmelzer, B Schmidt, O Schneider, A Schopper, HF Schreiner, M Schubiger, S Schulte, MH Schune, R Schwemmer, B Sciascia, A Sciubba, A Semennikov, ES Sepulveda, A Sergi, N Serra, J Serrano, L Sestini, A Seuthe, P Seyfert, M Shapkin, Y Shcheglov, T Shears, L Shekhtman, V Shevchenko, E Shmanin, BG Siddi, R Silva Coutinho, L Silva de Oliveira, G Simi, S Simone, I Skiba, N Skidmore, T Skwarnicki, MW Slater, JG Smeaton, E Smith, IT Smith, M Smith, M Soares, L Soares Lavra, MD Sokoloff, FJP Soler, B Souza De Paula, B Spaan, E Spadaro Norella, P Spradlin, F Stagni, M Stahl, S Stahl, P Stefko, S Stefkova, O Steinkamp, S Stemmle, O Stenyakin, M Stepanova, H Stevens, A Stocchi, S Stone, B Storaci, S Stracka, ME Stramaglia, M Straticiuc, U Straumann, S Strokov, J Sun, L Sun, Y Sun, K Swientek, A Szabelski, T Szumlak, M Szymanski, S T'Jampens, Z Tang, A Tayduganov, T Tekampe, G Tellarini, F Teubert, E Thomas, J van Tilburg, MJ Tilley, V Tisserand, M Tobin, S Tolk, L Tomassetti, D Tonelli, DY Tou, R Tourinho Jadallah Aoude, E Tournefier, M Traill, MT Tran, A Trisovic, A Tsaregorodtsev, G Tuci, A Tully, N Tuning, A Ukleja, A Usachov, A Ustyuzhanin, U Uwer, A Vagner, V Vagnoni, A Valassi, S Valat, G Valenti, R Vazquez Gomez, P Vazquez Regueiro, S Vecchi, M van Veghel, JJ Velthuis, M Veltri, G Veneziano, A Venkateswaran, M Vernet, M Veronesi, M Vesterinen, JV Viana Barbosa, D Vieira, M Vieites Diaz, H Viemann, X Vilasis-Cardona, A Vitkovskiy, M Vitti, V Volkov, A Vollhardt, D Vom Bruch, B Voneki, A Vorobyev, V Vorobyev, N Voropaev, JA de Vries, C Vazquez Sierra, R Waldi, J Walsh, J Wang, M Wang, Y Wang, Z Wang, DR Ward, HM Wark, NK Watson, D Websdale, A Weiden, C Weisser, M Whitehead, G Wilkinson, M Wilkinson, I Williams, MRJ Williams, M Williams, T Williams, FF Wilson, M Winn, W Wislicki, M Witek, G Wormser, SA Wotton, K Wyllie, D Xiao, Y Xie, A Xu, M Xu, Q Xu, Z Xu, Z Xu, Z Yang, Z Yang, Y Yao, LE Yeomans, H Yin, J Yu, X Yuan, O Yushchenko, KA Zarebski, M Zavertyaev, D Zhang, L Zhang, WC Zhang, Y Zhang, A Zhelezov, Y Zheng, X Zhu, V Zhukov, JB Zonneveld, S Zucchelli
Mar 10, 2021
A search for the $B^0_s \!\rightarrow D^{*\pm} D^\mp$ decay is performed using proton-proton collision data at centre-of-mass energies of $7$, $8$ and $13\,\text{TeV}$ collected by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to...
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Measuring the conservation attitudes of local communities towards the African elephant Loxodonta africana, a flagship species in the Mara ecosystem.
Gaining insights into local people's views, values and preferences for different conservation management options are increasingly gaining importance among conservationists and decision-makers. This can be achieved through the...
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Switchmate! An Electrophysiological Attempt to Adjudicate Between Competing Accounts of Adjective-Noun Code-Switching.
Here, we used event-related potentials to test the predictions of two prominent accounts of code-switching in bilinguals: The Matrix Language Framework (MLF; Myers-Scotton, 1993) and an application of the Minimalist Programme...
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Amplitude analysis of B<inf>s</inf><sup>0</sup> → K<inf>S</inf><sup>0</sup> K <sup>±</sup> π <sup>∓</sup> decays
The first untagged decay-time-integrated amplitude analysis of $B^{0}_{s} \rightarrow K^{0}_{\textrm{S}} K^{\pm}\pi^{\mp}$ decays is performed using a sample corresponding to $3.0\,$fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision data recorded...
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Tillman Award Given to Business Major at Commencement
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Senior Mitchell Lee Williams, a business major, won the Tillman Award. Williams is a native of Charlotte, N.C.
Published by: Winthrop University
Local Attorney Creates Scholarships to Support Non-Traditional Students
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Breakfield intends that the scholarship will celebrate the work of Randolph and Williams and will provide crucial funding to non-traditional students who are studying at Winthrop. The newly created Randolph-Williams Endowment...
Published by: Winthrop University
Women acting for women? An analysis of gender and debate participation in the British House of Commons 2005–2007
Ana Catalano Weeks
Mar 01, 2009
The recent push for more women parliamentarians around the world via positive action measures such as gender quotas naturally begs the question of whether the increased descriptive representation of women in parliament is making...
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Antigen-specific inhibition of effector T cell function in humans after injection of immature dendritic cells
Immunostimulatory properties of dendritic cells (DCs) are linked to their maturation state. Injection of mature DCs rapidly enhances antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell immunity in humans. Here we describe the immune response...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Women acting for women? An analysis of gender and debate participation in the British House of Commons 2005–2007
Ana Catalano Weeks
Mar 01, 2009
The recent push for more women parliamentarians around the world via positive action measures such as gender quotas naturally begs the question of whether the increased descriptive representation of women in parliament is making...
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Strom Thurmond's Granddaughter Shares Thoughts on Her Family's Legacy
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Several months after Thurmond's death in 2003, his bi-racial grown daughter and eldest child, Essie Mae Washington-Williams, revealed that Thurmond was her father. Monica Williams-Hudgens is her daughter. Now living in the state...
Published by: Winthrop University
Winthrop Class Visited Cuba This Summer As Countries Work to Rebuild Relationship
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
History Professor Ginger Williams said there is no comparison between what life is like now in Cuba and how it was 11 years ago when she was last there. Williams said it is sad to her that the United States hasn't been involved...
Published by: Winthrop University








