
Results: 61
Analyzing Stakeholder Feedback Using AI
Nancy Susan Manoj
Jan 01, 0001
The purpose of this research paper is to explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing stakeholder feedback analysis in urban planning. This study aims to determine whether artificial intelligence can be...
Dynamic Causality Among FDI, Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions in India With Open Markets and Technology Gap
This study examines the causality relationships between FDI, economic growth (in terms of GDP) and the natural environment, in terms of CO2 emissions and energy consumption, along with two more variables of interest i.e., trade...
Custom Network Protocol Stack for Communication Between Nodes in a Cloudlet System
With the advent of internet of things (IoT), new network paradigms have emerged. One such technology is cloudlets. Cloudlets are being increasingly used in various IoT-based applications such as smart homes, smart cities...
Optimization of IoT-Enabled Physical Location Monitoring Using DT and VAR
This study shows an enhancement of IoT which gets sensor data and performs real-time face recognition to screen physical areas to find strange situations and send an alarm mail to the client to make remedial moves to avoid any...
Artificial intelligence and blockchain implementation in supply chains
Digitalisation is expected to transform end-to-end supply chain operations by leveraging the technical capabilities of advanced technology applications. Notwithstanding the operations-wise merits associated with the...
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A Novel Method for Despeckling of Ultrasound Images Using Cellular Automata-Based Despeckling Filter
Ultrasound images have an inherent property termed as speckle noise that is the outcome of interference between incident and reflected ultrasound waves which reduce image resolution and contrast and could lead to improper...
Exploring the Factors Affecting Learners' Retention in MOOCs
MOOCs have emerged as an important form of Open and Distance Learning. The success of a MOOC platform depends on the support services and the motivational environment that it provides. This paper presents a comprehensive picture...
Z-Test-Based Analysis for Validating the Effectiveness of NPTEL E-Learning Modules
The present article proposes use of a z-model to validate learning progress after experimenting on student’s performance. A statistical map of z-values is used to calculate the z-value. This paper is divided into two parts -...
Experiential Retailing Leveraged by Data Analytics
The purpose of the study is to establish how in retail industry consumer data can be leveraged and analysed to provide customers an enhance shopping experience. Popular machine learning algorithms related to text mining aids in...
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Big Data Classification
In broad, three machine learning classification algorithms are used to discover correlations, hidden patterns, and other useful information from different data sets known as big data. Today, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and...
One, Five, and Ten-Shot-Based Meta-Learning for Computationally Efficient Head Pose Estimation
Many real-world applications rely on head pose estimation. The performance of head pose estimation has significantly improved with techniques like convolutional neural networks (CNN). However, CNN requires a large amount of data...
Quantitative comparative analysis of human erythrocyte surface proteins between individuals from two genetically distinct populations
Abstract: Red blood cells (RBCs) play a critical role in oxygen transport, and are the focus of important diseases including malaria and the haemoglobinopathies. Proteins at the RBC surface can determine susceptibility to...
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Online Product Reviews and Their Impact on Third Party Sellers Using Natural Language Processing
The purpose of this paper is to gain insights from the online product reviews of e-commerce sites such as Flipkart and Amazon and analyze its impact on third party sellers. To judge the authenticity of a product, reviews are...






