Pepper bacterial spot disease caused by Xanthomonas campestris is the most common pepper bacterial disease, which ultimately reduces productivity and quality of products. This work uses deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs)...
PuckerButt Peppers has relied on chemistry tests conducted every few months over the past five years by Professor Cliff Calloway and his undergraduate chemistry students to determine its peppers' heat. Calloway said jalapeno...
Salinity stress occurs due to the accumulation of high levels of salts in soil, which ultimately leads to the impairment of plant growth and crop loss. Stress tolerance-inducing compounds have a remarkable ability to...
Fister challenges vespers listeners to change views Pre-medders hear Dr. Eger speak on healing of wounds Department heads and academic council end seniors' comprehensives Two proposals will be discussed at meeting of men's...
Among the many difficulties, or even paradoxes, that phenomenology has imposedupon us by positing itself as a doctrine, or at least as a radical foundation forphilosophy, one must first and foremost consider the operation...
Among the many difficulties, or even paradoxes, that phenomenology has imposedupon us by positing itself as a doctrine, or at least as a radical foundation forphilosophy, one must first and foremost consider the operation...
Brasil Plastic Flowers Be a Pepper Grunge Handling the Responsibility Returning to the Forest How Nice Nooze Emma Restoration Chestnuts Frozen Moments Once Upon A Clipped Wings Gerard Manley...
The U.S. Department of Education grant will be used for a "school leadership program" to recruit, train and mentor principals and assistant principals. Faculty members with Winthrop's Richard W. Riley College of Education and...
Basketball season very successful Marion Ballou Fisk delights audience New Weekly staff Schaff prize essay: The toll of the European war Literary societies Glee Club concert Tuesday YMCA officers
We describe a de novo computational approach for designing proteins that recapitulate the binding sites of natural cytokines, but are otherwise unrelated in topology or amino acid sequence. We use this strategy to design mimics...
Scott Ely joined the Winthrop faculty in 1987. An open house for faculty, staff, students and friends will be from 2-5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 3, at 330 Marion Street in Rock Hill.
Wine drinking culture in France has traditionally been a source of pride for the French and in an age of concerns about the dangers of ‘binge-drinking’, a major cause of jealousy for the British. Wine drinking and the culture...
AbstractNatural kinds, real kinds, or, following J.S. Mill simply, Kinds, are thought to be an important asset for scientific realists in the non-fundamental (or...
Wine drinking culture in France has traditionally been a source of pride for the French and in an age of concerns about the dangers of ‘binge-drinking’, a major cause of jealousy for the British. Wine drinking and the culture...
Commencement Speaker Named Career Strategies Revealed Dance Week Planned Xeroxing Illegal? Letter to the Editor Ursinus Night New Policies at Wismer U.C. Ugly Men Successful Forum Survivor Speaks Alcohol Survey Results...