
Results: 115
Determination of protein structural ensembles using cryo-electron microscopy.
Achieving a comprehensive understanding of the behaviour of proteins is greatly facilitated by the knowledge of their structures, thermodynamics and dynamics. All this information can be provided in an effective manner in terms...
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Structural Ensemble Modulation upon Small-Molecule Binding to Disordered Proteins.
Over the past decade, there has been a growing interest in investigating whether disordered proteins can be targeted for clinical purposes using small molecules [1-8]. While small-molecule binding to disordered proteins can be...
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Revised British Society of Gastroenterology recommendation on the diagnosis and management of Barrett's oesophagus with low-grade dysplasia.
The most recent guidelines for the management of Barrett's oesophagus published in 2014 recommended endoscopic surveillance for patient with histological evidence of low-grade dysplasia (LGD) on random biopsies.1 In the last...
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Barrett's esophagus and cancer risk
Barrett's esophagus (BE) is the only known precursor to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC), whose incidence has increased sharply in the last 4 decades. The annual conversion rate of BE to cancer is significant, but small. The...
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Research advances in esophageal diseases
Over the last year, significant steps have been made toward understanding the pathogenesis of esophageal diseases and translating this knowledge to clinical practice. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the most common...
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Early detection of esophageal neoplasia enables curative endoscopic therapy, but the current diagnostic standard of care has low sensitivity because early neoplasia is often inconspicuous with conventional white-light endoscopy....
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Barrett oesophagus.
Barrett oesophagus (BE), the only known histological precursor of oesophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC), is a condition in which the squamous epithelium of the oesophagus is replaced by columnar epithelium as an adaptive response to...
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Dyslexia treatment studies
Poor response to treatment is a defining characteristic of reading disorder. In the present systematic review and meta-analysis, we found that the overall average effect size for treatment efficacy was modest, with a mean...
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First-in-human pilot study of snapshot multispectral endoscopy for early detection of Barrett's-related neoplasia.
SIGNIFICANCE: The early detection of dysplasia in patients with Barrett's esophagus could improve outcomes by enabling curative intervention; however, dysplasia is often inconspicuous using conventional white-light endoscopy....
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Portal inflammation is independently associated with fibrosis and metabolic syndrome in pediatric nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
UNLABELLED: Pediatric nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) histology demonstrates variable amounts of portal inflammation, which may be associated with more severe liver disease and fibrosis. We assessed the relationship...
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