
Results: 36
Proper time to the black hole singularity from thermal one-point functions
Abstract We argue that the proper time from the event horizon to the black hole singularity can be extracted from the thermal expectation values of certain...
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Boundary conditions in topological AdS 4 /CFT 3
Abstract: We revisit the construction in four-dimensional gauged Spin(4) supergravity of the holographic duals to topologically twisted three-dimensional N = 4 field theories. Our focus in this paper is to highlight some...
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Boundary conditions in topological AdS 4 /CFT 3
Abstract: We revisit the construction in four-dimensional gauged Spin(4) supergravity of the holographic duals to topologically twisted three-dimensional N = 4 field theories. Our focus in this paper is to highlight some...
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Multi-tissue transcriptome-wide association studies.
A transcriptome-wide association study (TWAS) attempts to identify disease associated genes by imputing gene expression into a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using an expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) data set and...
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Automorphisms on Central Extensions of Lattices
Matan Peleg
Jan 01, 0001
Even lattices and certain central extensions of these lattices are used to construct certain algebraic structures in representation theory called vertex operator algebras and their modules. Certain modules are constructed using...
Published by: Ursinus College
Simulations of the Angular Dependence of the Dipole-Dipole Interaction
Matan Peleg, Jacob T. Paul
Jan 01, 0001
We conducted simulations of Rydberg atoms in a magneto-optical trap using the supercomputer available on campus and the COMET supercomputer provided by the NSF. Our research focused on the angular dependence of the long range...
Published by: Ursinus College
An evaluation of machine-learning for predicting phenotype
In phenotype prediction the physical characteristics of an organism are predicted from knowledge of its genotype and environment. Such studies, often called genome-wide association studies, are of the highest societal...
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Boundary conditions in topological AdS<inf>4</inf>/CFT<inf>3</inf>
We revisit the construction in four-dimensional gauged $Spin(4)$ supergravity of the holographic duals to topologically twisted three-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=4$ field theories. Our focus in this paper is to highlight...
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Simulations of the Angular Dependence of the Dipole-Dipole Interaction
Jacob T. Paul, Matan Peleg
Jan 01, 0001
In our project we ran computations on a supercomputer to simulate experiments performed on highly excited atoms at ?K temperatures. At ?K temperatures the atoms are moving slowly so there are essentially no collisions of the...
Published by: Ursinus College
An evaluation of machine-learning for predicting phenotype
Abstract: In phenotype prediction the physical characteristics of an organism are predicted from knowledge of its genotype and environment. Such studies, often called genome-wide association studies, are of the highest societal...
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An evaluation of machine-learning for predicting phenotype
Abstract: In phenotype prediction the physical characteristics of an organism are predicted from knowledge of its genotype and environment. Such studies, often called genome-wide association studies, are of the highest societal...
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Functional effects of variation in transcription factor binding highlight long-range gene regulation by epromoters.
Identifying DNA cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) that control the expression of specific genes is crucial for deciphering the logic of transcriptional control. Natural genetic variation can point to the possible gene regulatory...
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Stochastic search and joint fine-mapping increases accuracy and identifies previously unreported associations in immune-mediated diseases
Abstract: Thousands of genetic variants are associated with human disease risk, but linkage disequilibrium (LD) hinders fine-mapping the causal variants. Both lack of power, and joint tagging of two or more distinct causal...
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NICER/NuSTAR Characterization of 4U 1957+11
Abstract 4U 1957+11 is a black hole candidate system that has been in a soft X-ray spectral state since its discovery. We present analyses of recent joint NICER and NuSTAR spectra...
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Simulations of the Angular Dependence of the Dipole-Dipole Interaction Among Rydberg Atoms
The dipole-dipole interaction between two Rydberg atoms depends on the relative orientation of the atoms and on the change in the magnetic quantum number. We simulate the effect of this anisotropy on the energy transport in an...
Published by: Ursinus College
Combining evidence from Mendelian randomization and colocalization
Mendelian randomization and colocalization are two statistical approaches that can be applied to summarized data from genome-wide association studies (GWASs) to understand relationships between traits and diseases. However...
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The Long-stable Hard State of XTE J1752-223 and the Disk Truncation Dilemma
Abstract The degree to which the thin accretion disks of black hole X-ray binaries are truncated during hard spectral states remains a contentious open question in black hole...
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