
Results: 78910
Business and Higher Education
This booklet prints the Founders' Day address delivered by Morris L. Clothier at Ursinus College on February 20, 1923.
Published by: Ursinus College
William Morris, cultural leadership, and the dynamics of taste
This examination of the social processes that inform cultural production asks how tastes are formed, transmitted, embedded, and reproduced across generations. These questions are explored through a study of William Morris, his...
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William Morris, cultural leadership, and the dynamics of taste
This examination of the social processes that inform cultural production asks how tastes are formed, transmitted, embedded, and reproduced across generations. These questions are explored through a study of William Morris, his...
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My utopia is your utopia? William Morris, utopian theory and the claims of the past
Joe PL Davidson
Oct 03, 2019
This article examines the relationship between utopian production and reception via a reading of the work of the great utopian author and theorist William Morris. This relationship has invariably been defined by an...
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Mouse Resource Browser--a database of mouse databases.
The laboratory mouse has become the organism of choice for discovering gene function and unravelling pathogenetic mechanisms of human diseases through the application of various functional genomic approaches. The resulting...
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Back in time for utopia
Joe PL Davidson
Jul 27, 2022
When we think of the Victorian era, images of shrouded piano legs, dismal factories and smoggy streets often come to mind. However, the 19th century has been rediscovered in recent years as the home of something quite...
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The Ursinus Weekly, January 8, 1940
Byrne and McAllister to head junior week-end committees Hon. J. William Ditter to speak on Founders' Day, February 15 Lorelei on Feb. 16; Harshaw chairman Besse Howard will lead "quiz" forum Apes win fraternity scholarship...
Published by: Ursinus College
Reflex Action in the Earthworm, as a Typical Example of the Annelids
Morris L. Yoder, Jr.
Jan 01, 0001
This 18 page thesis discusses the anatomy of the earthworm and importance of reflex actions, including responses to various stimuli and the role of the nerve cord.
Published by: Ursinus College
“Certainly Made by Ramsden”
Joshua Nall
May 18, 2021
Sometime in 1954, two young curators climbed into a 1936 Morris 8 and drove the fifty-some miles from Cambridge to Chigwell. The car’s driver, Rupert Hall, later admitted that this journey was a bit of a stretch for the small...
A brief overview of the tobacco industry in the last 20 years
S A Bialous, Silvy Peeters
Mar 01, 2012
Since the launch of Tobacco Control 20 years ago, there have been several changes in the tobacco industry worldwide. The goal of this commentary is to present some of the keys changes of the past two decades. This time is marked...
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A brief overview of the tobacco industry in the last 20 years
S A Bialous, Silvy Peeters
Mar 01, 2012
Since the launch of Tobacco Control 20 years ago, there have been several changes in the tobacco industry worldwide. The goal of this commentary is to present some of the keys changes of the past two decades. This time is marked...
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Migration and maturation of Langerhans cells in skin transplants and explants
Larsen, C.P., Steinman, R.M., Witmer-Pack, M.D., Hankins, D.F., Morris, P.J., and Austyn, J.M. Migration and maturation of Langerhans cells in skin transplants and explants. J. Exp. Med. 172: 1483-1493, 1990
Viral infections in critical care
Viral infections form a substantial part of the intensive care workload, even before the recent and ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The growing availability of molecular diagnostics for viral infections has led to increased...
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The Ursinus Weekly, October 23, 1939
Musical organizations to sing "The Messiah" on December 7 Frosh dine, dance at Spring Mountain Muhlenberg eleven overwhelms bears Seniors plan play with Curtain Club Theme, new features planned for 1940 Ruby College...
Published by: Ursinus College
Achieving robustness to aleatoric uncertainty with heteroscedastic Bayesian optimisation
Abstract: Bayesian optimisation is a sample-efficient search methodology that holds great promise for accelerating drug and materials discovery programs. A frequently-overlooked modelling consideration in Bayesian optimisation...
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Winthrop Trio Wins Business Competition With Hunting Delivery Idea
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
The winning team of Eric Hammett, Tyler Morris and James Thomasson are all business administration majors. Now that they won the $1,500, they will spend the summer evaluating its viability further with the Technology Incubator...
Published by: Winthrop University








