
Results: 860
Nick Martin's Communism
This project examines the life and career of Hungarian-born athlete Nick Martin. It explores the opportunities available to Martin via his success as an Olympic athlete.
Published by: Ursinus College
From Black Power to Broken Windows
S Collings-Wells
May 16, 2022
During the 1960s, the Ford Foundation was one of the largest philanthropic organizations in the United States. This article examines the shifting strategies which Ford deployed in an attempt to tackle urban disorder in...
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Using Rubrics as Feedforward Tools for Subject Contextualized Dialogue
This chapter outlines an approach to using rubrics in a feedforward process using dialogue between teachers and students that takes place before students hand in their assignments. As such, it aims to complement existing...
Brexit and the Anglosphere
Brexit supporters often point to Anglophone countries as an obvious replacement for the UK’s relationship with the European Union. But where did this idea of an Anglosphere come from? And how significant is it? Michael Kenny and...
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An Empirical Study of the Role of Knowledge Characteristics and Tools on Knowledge Transfer in China-Based Multinationals
This article describes how technology—i.e. the infrastructure of tools, systems, platforms—enhances knowledge transfer. The effect of tools on the relationship between knowledge characteristics and knowledge transfer...
The effects of negative reputational contagion on international airlines

The Boeing 737-MAX was created for the ultra-competitive environment of the aviation industry and advertised as capable of delivering an 8% reduction in fuel and a 14% reduction in CO2 when compared to the...

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A review of young people's vulnerabilities to online grooming
This review explores risk factors that may make a young person vulnerable to being groomed online. Even though research in this area is extremely limited, adolescents appear to be the age group most vulnerable to online...
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Open Sourcing the Pedagogy to Activate the Learning Process
Alan Rea, Nick Yeates
Apr 01, 2020
Information systems graduates increasingly need to understand the collaborative, technology-driven practices inspired by open source software development that are fundamentally changing today's workplace. To meet this challenge...
Brexit and the Anglosphere
Brexit supporters often point to Anglophone countries as an obvious replacement for the UK’s relationship with the European Union. But where did this idea of an Anglosphere come from? And how significant is it? Michael Kenny and...
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A review of young people's vulnerabilities to online grooming
This review explores risk factors that may make a young person vulnerable to being groomed online. Even though research in this area is extremely limited, adolescents appear to be the age group most vulnerable to online...
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The Grizzly, April 16, 2020
Students React to Room and Board Adjustments "Biden" my Time? I'd Rather not be Coronavirus is Another Obstacle on the Comeback Trail for Pitcher Nick DeFeo
Published by: Ursinus College
Grants Will Expand Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Opportunities
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Chemistry Professor Jay Hanna was approved for a $70,000 grant from the American Chemical Society Board of Directors that will last through the summer of 2020. Three other faculty members - Aaron Hartel, Cliff Harris and Nick...
Published by: Winthrop University
Reliability and Validity of the Early Years Physical Activity Questionnaire (EY-PAQ).
Measuring physical activity (PA) and sedentary time (ST) in young children (<5 years) is complex. Objective measures have high validity but require specialist expertise, are expensive, and can be burdensome for participants. A...
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The effects of negative reputational contagion on international airlines

The Boeing 737-MAX was created for the ultra-competitive environment of the aviation industry and advertised as capable of delivering an 8% reduction in fuel and a 14% reduction in CO2 when compared to the...

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Chemistry Major Selected to Attend Dow-MIT Access Program in October
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Johnson was selected to participate in the DOW-MIT ACCESS program, which was designed to increase the diversity of qualified applicants to Ph.D. programs in chemistry, chemical engineering and materials science throughout the...
Published by: Winthrop University








