Objectives: This study aimed to describe the preparation and in vitro evaluation of a surface-modified nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) using chitosan and dextran for co-delivery of buparvaquone (BPQ) and polymyxin B (PB)...
The presence of fat in the gastric environment can affect the pharmacokinetic behaviour of drugs with mechanisms which have not been yet fully understood. The objective of the current study was to assess the drug partition to...
The aim of this study was to develop an in vitro tool for predicting drug solubility and dissolution in intestinal fluids of patients with Celiac disease (CED). Biorelevant media for patients with CED were developed based on...
Objectives: Drug product performance might be affected in Crohn's disease (CD) patients compared to healthy subjects due to pathophysiological changes. Since a low number of clinical studies is performed in this patient...
Aims: This study explores the impact of paediatric patient related factors and choice of formulation on the dissolution characteristics of nifedipine and lorazepam, 2 drug substances regularly applied in very young patients...
In this study, the influence of the presence of excipients in sample preparation and clean-up steps required prior to drug analysis in milk-based media which simulate the in vivo properties of the fed state stomach was...
In this study, the influence of the presence of excipients in sample preparation and clean-up steps required prior to drug analysis in milk-based media which simulate the in vivo properties of the fed state stomach was...
Aims: This study explores the impact of paediatric patient related factors and choice of formulation on the dissolution characteristics of nifedipine and lorazepam, 2 drug substances regularly applied in very young patients...
Milk-based media such as the Fed State Simulated Gastric Fluid (FeSSGF) are commonly used in order to simulate the in vivo properties of the fed state stomach. Due to the lack of a specific guideline for standardised sample...
Background: Physiologically-based population pharmacokinetic modeling (popPBPK) coupled with in vitro biopharmaceutics tools such as biorelevant dissolution testing can serve as a powerful tool to establish virtual...
In the present investigation, it was explored whether food effect on drug absorption in adults is similar with the food effect after administration of an infant meal with the drug product to adults. After confirming lack of...
Objectives: Drug product performance in patients with gastrointestinal (GI) diseases can be altered compared to healthy subjects due to pathophysiological changes. In this review, relevant differences in patients with...
In order to investigate differences in drug solubilisation and dissolution in luminal fluids of Crohn's disease (CD) patients and healthy subjects, biorelevant media representative of CD patients were developed using...
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