
Results: 23289
Statistical moments for rough surface scatter from two-way parabolic integral equation at low grazing angles
M Spivack, O Rath-Spivack
Jun 26, 2017
The moments of a plane wave scattered at low grazing angles from a one-dimensional perfectly reflecting rough surface are considered. The mean intensity and autocorrelation of the scattered field and the corresponding angular...
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Ovine uteroplacental and fetal metabolism during and after fetal cortisol overexposure in late gestation.
Cortisol modifies fetal metabolism in preparation for delivery, but whether preterm cortisol exposure programs persisting changes in fetoplacental metabolism remains unknown. This study infused fetal sheep with saline ( n = 36)...
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Rough surface reconstruction at grazing angles by an iterated marching method.
Yuxuan Chen, Mark Spivack
Apr 30, 2018
An iterated marching method is presented for the reconstruction of rough perfectly reflecting one-dimensional (1D) surfaces from scattered data arising from a scalar wave at grazing incidence. This is based on coupled integral...
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Photosynthetically Controlled Spirulina, but Not Solar Spirulina, Inhibits TNF-α Secretion
Abstract: An array of infections, including the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), trigger macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) and subsequently hypercytokinemia, commonly referred to as a cytokine storm (CS). It is postulated that...
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Glucocorticoid maturation of mitochondrial respiratory capacity in skeletal muscle before birth.
In adults, glucocorticoids act to match the supply and demand for energy during physiological challenges, partly through actions on tissue mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) capacity. However, little is known about...
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Orientation control strategies and adaptation to a visuomotor perturbation in rotational hand movements.
Or Zruya, Ilana Nisky
Jan 04, 2023
Computational approaches to biological motor control are used to discover the building blocks of human motor behaviour. Models explaining features of human hand movements have been studied thoroughly, yet only a few studies...
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Photosynthesis and Bio-Optical Properties of Fluorescent Mesophotic Corals
Mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) are light-dependent coral-associated communities found at 30–150 m depth. Corals inhabiting these deeper reefs are often acclimatized to a limited and blue-shifted light environment...
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Orientation control strategies and adaptation to a visuomotor perturbation in rotational hand movements.
Or Zruya, Ilana Nisky
Dec 15, 2022
Computational approaches to biological motor control are used to discover the building blocks of human motor behaviour. Models explaining features of human hand movements have been studied thoroughly, yet only a few studies...
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A physiological increase in maternal cortisol alters uteroplacental metabolism in the pregnant ewe.
KEY POINTS: Fetal nutrient supply is dependent, in part, upon the transport capacity and metabolism of the placenta. The stress hormone, cortisol, alters metabolism in the adult and fetus but it is not known whether cortisol in...
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Photosynthetically Controlled Spirulina, but Not Solar Spirulina, Inhibits TNF-α Secretion
An array of infections, including the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), trigger macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) and subsequently hypercytokinemia, commonly referred to as a cytokine storm (CS). It is postulated that CS is...
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Hypoxia, fetal and neonatal physiology
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via
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