
Results: 11
Exercise strategies to protect against the impact of short-term reduced physical activity on muscle function and markers of health in older men
Background: Muscles get smaller and weaker as we age and become more vulnerable to atrophy when physical activity is reduced or removed. This research is designed to investigate the potentially protective effects of two separate...
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Exercise strategies to protect against the impact of short-term reduced physical activity on muscle function and markers of health in older men
Background: Muscles get smaller and weaker as we age and become more vulnerable to atrophy when physical activity is reduced or removed. This research is designed to investigate the potentially protective effects of two separate...
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High-Content Imaging to Phenotype Antimicrobial Effects on Individual Bacteria at Scale.
High-content imaging (HCI) is a technique for screening multiple cells in high resolution to detect subtle morphological and phenotypic variation. The method has been commonly deployed on model eukaryotic cellular systems, often...
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Indication of electron neutrino appearance from an accelerator-produced off-axis muon neutrino beam.
K Abe, N Abgrall, Y Ajima, H Aihara, JB Albert, C Andreopoulos, B Andrieu, S Aoki, O Araoka, J Argyriades, A Ariga, T Ariga, S Assylbekov, D Autiero, A Badertscher, M Barbi, GJ Barker, G Barr, M Bass, F Bay, S Bentham, V Berardi, BE Berger, I Bertram, M Besnier, J Beucher, D Beznosko, S Bhadra, FDMM Blaszczyk, A Blondel, C Bojechko, J Bouchez, SB Boyd, A Bravar, C Bronner, DG Brook-Roberge, N Buchanan, H Budd, D Calvet, SL Cartwright, A Carver, R Castillo, MG Catanesi, A Cazes, A Cervera, C Chavez, S Choi, G Christodoulou, J Coleman, W Coleman, G Collazuol, K Connolly, A Curioni, A Dabrowska, I Danko, R Das, GS Davies, S Davis, M Day, G De Rosa, JPAM de André, P de Perio, A Delbart, C Densham, F Di Lodovico, S Di Luise, P Dinh Tran, J Dobson, U Dore, O Drapier, F Dufour, J Dumarchez, S Dytman, M Dziewiecki, M Dziomba, S Emery, A Ereditato, L Escudero, LS Esposito, M Fechner, A Ferrero, AJ Finch, E Frank, Y Fujii, Y Fukuda, V Galymov, FC Gannaway, A Gaudin, A Gendotti, MA George, S Giffin, C Giganti, K Gilje, T Golan, M Goldhaber, JJ Gomez-Cadenas, M Gonin, N Grant, A Grant, P Gumplinger, P Guzowski, A Haesler, MD Haigh, K Hamano, C Hansen, D Hansen, T Hara, PF Harrison, B Hartfiel, M Hartz, T Haruyama, T Hasegawa, NC Hastings, S Hastings, A Hatzikoutelis, K Hayashi, Y Hayato, C Hearty, RL Helmer, R Henderson, N Higashi, J Hignight, E Hirose, J Holeczek, S Horikawa, A Hyndman, AK Ichikawa, K Ieki, M Ieva, M Iida, M Ikeda, J Ilic, J Imber, T Ishida, C Ishihara, T Ishii, SJ Ives, M Iwasaki, K Iyogi, A Izmaylov, B Jamieson, RA Johnson, KK Joo, GV Jover-Manas, CK Jung, H Kaji, T Kajita, H Kakuno, J Kameda, K Kaneyuki, D Karlen, K Kasami, I Kato, E Kearns, M Khabibullin, F Khanam, A Khotjantsev, D Kielczewska, T Kikawa, J Kim, JY Kim, SB Kim, N Kimura, B Kirby, J Kisiel, P Kitching, T Kobayashi, G Kogan, S Koike, A Konaka, LL Kormos, A Korzenev, K Koseki, Y Koshio, Y Kouzuma, K Kowalik, V Kravtsov, I Kreslo, W Kropp, H Kubo, Y Kudenko, N Kulkarni, R Kurjata, T Kutter, J Lagoda, K Laihem, M Laveder, KP Lee, PT Le, JM Levy, C Licciardi, IT Lim, T Lindner, RP Litchfield, M Litos, A Longhin, GD Lopez, PF Loverre, L Ludovici, T Lux, M Macaire, K Mahn, Y Makida, M Malek, S Manly, A Marchionni, AD Marino, J Marteau, JF Martin, T Maruyama, T Maryon, J Marzec, P Masliah, EL Mathie, C Matsumura, K Matsuoka, V Matveev, K Mavrokoridis, E Mazzucato, N McCauley, KS McFarland, C McGrew, T McLachlan, M Messina, W Metcalf, C Metelko, M Mezzetto, P Mijakowski, CA Miller, A Minamino, O Mineev, S Mine, AD Missert, G Mituka, M Miura, K Mizouchi, L Monfregola, F Moreau, B Morgan, S Moriyama, A Muir, A Murakami, M Murdoch, S Murphy, J Myslik, T Nakadaira, M Nakahata, T Nakai, K Nakajima, T Nakamoto, K Nakamura, S Nakayama, T Nakaya, D Naples, ML Navin, B Nelson, TC Nicholls, K Nishikawa, H Nishino, JA Nowak, M Noy, Y Obayashi, T Ogitsu, H Ohhata, T Okamura, K Okumura, T Okusawa, SM Oser, M Otani, RA Owen, Y Oyama, T Ozaki, MY Pac, V Palladino, V Paolone, P Paul, D Payne, GF Pearce, JD Perkin, V Pettinacci, F Pierre, E Poplawska, B Popov, M Posiadala, J-M Poutissou, R Poutissou, P Przewlocki, W Qian, JL Raaf, E Radicioni, PN Ratoff, TM Raufer, M Ravonel, M Raymond, F Retiere, A Robert, PA Rodrigues, E Rondio, JM Roney, B Rossi, S Roth, A Rubbia, D Ruterbories, S Sabouri, R Sacco, K Sakashita, F Sánchez, A Sarrat, K Sasaki, K Scholberg, J Schwehr, M Scott, DI Scully, Y Seiya, T Sekiguchi, H Sekiya, M Shibata, Y Shimizu, M Shiozawa, S Short, M Siyad, RJ Smith, M Smy, JT Sobczyk, H Sobel, M Sorel, A Stahl, P Stamoulis, J Steinmann, B Still, J Stone, C Strabel, LR Sulak, R Sulej, P Sutcliffe, A Suzuki, K Suzuki, S Suzuki, SY Suzuki, Y Suzuki, Y Suzuki, T Szeglowski, M Szeptycka, R Tacik, M Tada, S Takahashi, A Takeda, Y Takenaga, Y Takeuchi, K Tanaka, HA Tanaka, M Tanaka, MM Tanaka, N Tanimoto, K Tashiro, I Taylor, A Terashima, D Terhorst, R Terri, LF Thompson, A Thorley, W Toki, T Tomaru, Y Totsuka, C Touramanis, T Tsukamoto, M Tzanov, Y Uchida, K Ueno, A Vacheret, M Vagins, G Vasseur, T Wachala, JJ Walding, AV Waldron, CW Walter, PJ Wanderer, J Wang, MA Ward, GP Ward, D Wark, MO Wascko, A Weber, R Wendell, N West, LH Whitehead, G Wikström, RJ Wilkes, MJ Wilking, JR Wilson, RJ Wilson, T Wongjirad, S Yamada, Y Yamada, A Yamamoto, K Yamamoto, Y Yamanoi, H Yamaoka, C Yanagisawa, T Yano, S Yen, N Yershov, M Yokoyama, A Zalewska, J Zalipska, L Zambelli, K Zaremba, M Ziembicki, ED Zimmerman, M Zito, J Żmuda, T2K Collaboration
May 16, 2019
The T2K experiment observes indications of ν(μ) → ν(e) appearance in data accumulated with 1.43×10(20) protons on target. Six events pass all selection criteria at the far detector. In a three-flavor neutrino oscillation...
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