
Results: 23731
Desgarraduras del cuerpo y degolladuras de la voz
B Epps
Aug 24, 2017
El mismo mar de todos los veranos de Esther Tusquets narra la tormentosa relación erótica y emocional de una mujer de la alta burguesía catalana, casada y desencantada, que ejerce de profesora de literatura, con una joven...
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De-globalisation and decoupling
P Williamson
Feb 19, 2021
It has become fashionable to argue that the post-coronavirus world will see an acceleration in de-globalisation and decoupling and that companies will substantively re-localise their supply chains (Javorcik, 2020; McKinsey...
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De la philosophie de la religion dans l’oeuvre de Landgrebe
Sylvain Camilleri
Apr 22, 2021
Nombreux sont les premiers disciples de Husserl à s’être intéressés de prèsà la religion. Landgrebe ne fait pas exception à la règle, même si j’entendsmontrer qu’il constitue plutôt un cas à part. Pourquoi donc ? Parce que...
De rien
M Crowley
Sep 01, 2017
En principe, le seul matérialisme conséquent serait celui qui saurait se libérer de toute idée régulatrice. De toute fin, comme de toute origine. En principe, du moins. Sans doute ne sort-on pas si aisément de ces vieux...
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De la philosophie de la religion dans l’oeuvre de Landgrebe
Sylvain Camilleri
Apr 22, 2021
Nombreux sont les premiers disciples de Husserl à s’être intéressés de prèsà la religion. Landgrebe ne fait pas exception à la règle, même si j’entendsmontrer qu’il constitue plutôt un cas à part. Pourquoi donc ? Parce que...
Time-dependent compactification to de Sitter space
J. G. Russo, P. K. Townsend
Jun 18, 2020
Abstract: It is known that the Einstein gravitational field equations in D > 4 spacetime dimensions have no time-independent non-singular compactification solutions to de Sitter space if the D-dimensional stress tensor satisfies...
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Infancy‐onset diabetes caused by de‐regulated <scp>AMPylation</scp> of the human endoplasmic reticulum chaperone <scp>BiP</scp>
Dysfunction of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in insulin‐producing beta cells results in cell loss and diabetes mellitus. Here we report on five individuals from three different consanguineous families with infancy‐onset...
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Strong Cosmic Censorship and eigenvalue repulsions for rotating de Sitter black holes in higher-dimensions
Abstract It has been established that Christodoulou’s formulation of Strong Cosmic Censorship (SCC) is violated by Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter black...
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Intolerancia en Tiempos de Crisis: Hacia una Literatura Transgresora en El sitio de los sitios de Juan Goytisolo
Oscar Ivan Useche
Jan 01, 0001
Este artículo propone entender la novela de Goytisolo como una respuesta cultural a la crisis de los modelos de racionalidad occidental. Se estudian las dinámicas de descomposición social de la globalización y la aparición...
Published by: Ursinus College
Nonlinear stability of two-layer shallow water flows with a free surface

The problem of two layers of immiscible fluid, bordered above by an unbounded layer of passive fluid and below by a flat bed, is formulated and discussed. The resulting equations are given by a first-order, four-dimensional...

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Augmented Hill-Climb increases reinforcement learning efficiency for language-based de novo molecule generation.
A plethora of AI-based techniques now exists to conduct de novo molecule generation that can devise molecules conditioned towards a particular endpoint in the context of drug design. One popular approach is using reinforcement...
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Influence of bidding mechanism and spot market characteristics on market power of a large genco using hybrid DE/BBO
P. Jain, R. Bhakar, S. Singh
Sep 01, 2015

Generation company (Genco) bidding in an electricity market (EM) aims to maximize its profit under uncertain market characteristics and a regulated bidding mechanism. This paper addresses the strategic bidding for a large...

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Determinantes de la movilidad ocupacional segmentada de los inmigrantes no comunitarios en España
La literatura sobre la integración económica de los inmigrantes ha destacado la existencia de un patrón de movilidad en forma de «U». En este artículo discutimos esta argumentación partiendo de las teorías de la segmentación del...
Published by: Winthrop University
Le Diable dans la bibliothèque
Dans Thinking with Demons (1997), Stuart Clark a montré que la démonologie, cette composante essentielle de la pensée de la première modernité, n’était pas une affaire de spécialistes: ‘penser avec le diable’ était une activité...
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Nonlinear stability of two-layer shallow water flows with a free surface

The problem of two layers of immiscible fluid, bordered above by an unbounded layer of passive fluid and below by a flat bed, is formulated and discussed. The resulting equations are given by a first-order, four-dimensional...

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Order Reconstruction for Nematics on Squares with Isotropic Inclusions

We prove the existence of a well order reconstruction solution (WORS)-type Landau- de Gennes critical point on a square domain with an isotropic concentric square inclusion, with tangent boundary conditions on the outer...

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Christian de Duve, 1963
Christian de Duve. The separation and characterization of subcellular particles. Lecture delivered November 21, 1963 Posted with permission
Published by: Academic Press
Influence of bidding mechanism and spot market characteristics on market power of a large genco using hybrid DE/BBO
P. Jain, R. Bhakar, S. Singh
Sep 01, 2015

Generation company (Genco) bidding in an electricity market (EM) aims to maximize its profit under uncertain market characteristics and a regulated bidding mechanism. This paper addresses the strategic bidding for a large...

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Order reconstruction for nematics on squares and hexagons

We construct an order reconstruction (OR-)type Landau-de Gennes critical point on a square domain of edge length 2λ, motivated by the well order reconstruction solution numerically reported in [S. Kralj and A. Majumdar, Proc....

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Augmented Hill-Climb increases reinforcement learning efficiency for language-based de novo molecule generation.
A plethora of AI-based techniques now exists to conduct de novo molecule generation that can devise molecules conditioned towards a particular endpoint in the context of drug design. One popular approach is using reinforcement...
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