
Results: 81
Dexterous manipulation of microparticles using Bessel-function acoustic pressure fields
We show that Bessel-function acoustic pressure fields can be used to trap and controllably position microparticles. A circular, 16-element ultrasound array generates and manipulates an acoustic field within a chamber, trapping...
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Dexterous manipulation of microparticles using Bessel-function acoustic pressure fields
We show that Bessel-function acoustic pressure fields can be used to trap and controllably position microparticles. A circular, 16-element ultrasound array generates and manipulates an acoustic field within a chamber, trapping...
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The Influence of the Chemical Nature of Solid Particles on Their Cataphoretic P.D. in Aqueous Solutions
Jacques Loeb
Jan 01, 0001
Jacques Loeb. The influence of the chemical nature of solid particles on their cataphoretic P.D. in aqueous solutions Reprinted from J Gen. Physiol., 1923, 6(2): 215-237
Published by: Rockefeller University
A new hole insertion method for level set based structural topology optimization
P.D. Dunning, H. Alicia Kim
Jan 06, 2013
Structural shape and topology optimization using level set functions is becoming increasingly popular. However, traditional methods do not naturally allow for new hole creation and solutions can be dependent on the initial...
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How Queer Came to Be: Deconstructing White Queerness in Melville's "Bartleby," Ginsberg's Howl, and Morrison's A Mercy
In American LGBTQ+ communities, questions continually arise about what it means to live in a post-gay marriage world. Is there still a need for a division between LGBTQ+ and heteronormative spaces, such as nightclubs or parades?...
Published by: Winthrop University
A new hole insertion method for level set based structural topology optimization
P.D. Dunning, H. Alicia Kim
Jan 06, 2013
Structural shape and topology optimization using level set functions is becoming increasingly popular. However, traditional methods do not naturally allow for new hole creation and solutions can be dependent on the initial...
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Securing methods, practicing critique
L Wilcox
Aug 08, 2016
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Oxford University Press via
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One-pot synthesis, characterisation and kinetic stability of novel side-bridged pentaazamacrocyclic copper(ii) complexes
Single-step synthetic protocols are reported for novel macrocyclic copper(ii) complexes incorporating a piperazine unit in the ligand backbone. Synchrotron X-ray structure determination confirmed the copper(ii) coordination...
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Drones, Swarms, and Becoming-Insect
LB Wilcox
Apr 10, 2017
Insects and ‘the swarm’ as metaphors and objects of research have inspired works in the genres of science fiction and horror; social and political theorists; and the development of war-fighting technologies such as ‘drone...
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Practising gender, queering theory
L Wilcox
Apr 27, 2017
AbstractThe development of a ‘practice turn’ in International Relations promises to reconstitute IR theory around the study of embodied practices. Despite occasional references to Judith Butler’s...
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Politics of the Living Dead
S Fishel, L Wilcox
Aug 07, 2017
The zombie, as a Western pop culture icon, has taken up residence in International Relations. Used both humorously and as a serious teaching tool, many scholars and professors of IR have written of the zombie as a useful figure...
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One-pot synthesis, characterisation and kinetic stability of novel side-bridged pentaazamacrocyclic copper(ii) complexes
Single-step synthetic protocols are reported for novel macrocyclic copper(ii) complexes incorporating a piperazine unit in the ligand backbone. Synchrotron X-ray structure determination confirmed the copper(ii) coordination...
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3-D reconstruction of sub-wavelength scatterers from the measurement of scattered fields in elastic waveguides

In nondestructive testing, being able to remotely locate and size defects with good accuracy is an important requirement in many industrial sectors, such as the petrochemical, nuclear, and aerospace industries. The potential...

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Focality and Asymmetry in Multi-battle Contests
This article examines the influence of focality in Colonel Blotto games with a lottery contest success function, where the equilibrium is unique and in pure strategies. We hypothesize that the salience of battlefields affects...
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Factors affecting the ultrasonic intermodulation crack detection technique using bispectral analysis
This paper concerns the development of ultrasonic intermodulation as a method of robustly detecting cracks in engineering components. The bispectrum signal processing technique is used to analyse the nonlinear response of a...
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Gigahertz pulse source by compression of modelocked VECSEL pulses coherently broadened in the normal dispersion regime
We report the coherent spectral broadening of the output of a mode-locked VECSEL emitting 455 fs pulses at 1007 nm in the normaldispersion regime. Subsequent compression of the fiber outputs using a transmission grating...
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Gigahertz pulse source by compression of modelocked VECSEL pulses coherently broadened in the normal dispersion regime
We report the coherent spectral broadening of the output of a mode-locked VECSEL emitting 455 fs pulses at 1007 nm in the normaldispersion regime. Subsequent compression of the fiber outputs using a transmission grating...
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Factors affecting the ultrasonic intermodulation crack detection technique using bispectral analysis
This paper concerns the development of ultrasonic intermodulation as a method of robustly detecting cracks in engineering components. The bispectrum signal processing technique is used to analyse the nonlinear response of a...
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3-D reconstruction of sub-wavelength scatterers from the measurement of scattered fields in elastic waveguides

In nondestructive testing, being able to remotely locate and size defects with good accuracy is an important requirement in many industrial sectors, such as the petrochemical, nuclear, and aerospace industries. The potential...

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Focality and Asymmetry in Multi-battle Contests
This article examines the influence of focality in Colonel Blotto games with a lottery contest success function, where the equilibrium is unique and in pure strategies. We hypothesize that the salience of battlefields affects...
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