
Results: 465
Outsourcing natural resource requirements within China.
Consumption demands are final drivers for the extraction and allocation of natural resources. This paper investigates demand-driven natural resource requirements and spatial outsourcing within China in 2012 by using the latest...
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Spreading the word
PJ Tracey
Apr 15, 2016
I examine the microlevel processes involved when members of an organization seek to persuade others to internalize a new institutional logic. To do so I conduct a qualitative study of the Alpha course, an evangelizing movement...
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Book review
PJ Williamson
Aug 23, 2021
The title of this book, International Business Strategy, immediately begs the question: How does this differ from strategy in general? In the Introduction, the editors suggest several possibilities, including the need to operate...
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PJ Rogerson
Aug 21, 2017
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A calculus for flows in periodic domains
PJ Baddoo, LJ Ayton
Mar 20, 2021
We present a constructive procedure for the calculation of 2-D potential flows in periodic domains with multiple boundaries per period window. The solution requires two steps: (i) a conformal mapping from a canonical...
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Attention deficits in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)
PJ de Vries, P Watson
Jan 15, 2020
BACKGROUND: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder associated with a range of neurocognitive manifestations, including neuropsychological attention deficits most notably in dual tasking/divided attention. These...
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Potential flow through a cascade of aerofoils
PJ Baddoo, LJ Ayton
Nov 21, 2018
The potential flow through an infinite cascade of aerofoils is considered as both a direct and inverse problem. In each case, a perturbation expansion about a background uniform flow is assumed where the size of the perturbation...
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3D printed customised external cranial plate in a patient with syndrome of trephined
Abstract: Background: Syndrome of the trephined is a well-recognised phenomenon that occurs in patients following a craniectomy. It is associated with several symptoms, including headaches, motor impairments, cognitive disorders...
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