Synucleinopathies, characterized by intracellular aggregation of α-synuclein protein, share a number of features in pathology and disease progression. However, the vulnerable cell population differs significantly between the...
"Patrick Dougherty: Stick Work," a series of photographs of Dougherty's past installations, will run March 31-May 7 at Gallery Up in Rock Hill. Opening March 26, an exhibition of the works of N.C. painter Jeremiah Miller will...
Patrick, a native of Knoxville, Tennessee, will use the $7,500 award to attend medical school at Western University of Health Sciences of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific in Pomona, California. He was a recipient last year of...
Patrick Brown is an independent scholar in Honolulu, Hawaii. Before moving to Hawaii, he taught in the philosophy department and the school of law at Seattle University. Brown received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Boston...
Patrick Brown is an independent scholar in Honolulu, Hawaii. Before moving to Hawaii, he taught in the philosophy department and the school of law at Seattle University. Brown received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Boston...
Humans are in a struggle to care for the environment while also feeding the entire world's population. Farming practices, such as planting cover crops, that build soil organic matter (SOM) can both increase yields and alleviate...
Understanding the points in a species breeding cycle when they are most vulnerable to environmental fluctuations is key to understanding interannual demography and guiding effective conservation and management. Seabirds...
Winthrop tennis player Steven Patrick and the other recipient, Longwood University women's soccer player Olivia Colella, will receive their awards of $2,000 each on June 2 to use for their respective graduate studies. Patrick...
This is a qualitative case study of one school in one of the 14 communities of Nunavik. Nunavik is an Inuit Nunangat region located at the Northern tip of Quebec. Nunavik is also bounded by Hudson Bay to the west, Nunavut to the...
This is a qualitative case study of one school in one of the 14 communities of Nunavik. Nunavik is an Inuit Nunangat region located at the Northern tip of Quebec. Nunavik is also bounded by Hudson Bay to the west, Nunavut to the...
Many of us began our study of educational administration seeking to reflect an objective reality to support equity, as such we sought to examine leadership and decision-making processes that were “neutral and objective.”...
Healthy soil can produce quality food and preserve the environment. While some farming practices have degraded the soil on agricultural land, others have shown to enhance soil health. The goal of this investigation is to compare...
Initially, this special edition of The Morning Watch was developed to share the results of this research into four case studies within Inuit Nunangat. As such, the writing reflects a research project focused on four schools and...
Many of us began our study of educational administration seeking to reflect an objective reality to support equity, as such we sought to examine leadership and decision-making processes that were “neutral and objective.”...
When applied during the sustained lordosis response of female hamsters, gentle probing at points on the perineal surface elicited stereotyped rump and tail movements. The rump movements always served to rapidly center the...
The exhibition will show April 8-June 14 in the Rutledge Gallery. An opening reception is scheduled for April 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Rutledge and Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick galleries.
The Winthrop University Galleries opening reception will be Friday, Sept. 18, from 6:30-8 p.m. The reception will celebrate "The South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities Faculty Exhibition" and "Recent...