Released in 2011, Paula Markovitch’s semi-autobiographical film revolves around the life of 7-year-old Cecilia and her tense negotiation of the ‘adult’ world of public militancy in 1970s Argentina. The film destabilizes the...
A risky design equilibrium problem is an equilibrium system that involves N designers who invest in risky assets, such as production plants, evaluate these using convex or coherent risk measures, and also trade financial...
Studies in Vaccinal Immunity Towards Disease of the Bovine Placenta due to Bacillus Abortus (Infectious Abortion) by Theobald Smith and Ralph B. Little
Girls to give play Meeting of the Union Ralph Waldo Emerson Seminary notes Meeting of Directors Oratorical contest Editorial: Personality Literary societies University of Pennsylvania relay race carnival, last Saturday...
Aphasia recovery post-stroke is classically and most commonly hypothesised to rely on regions that were not involved in language premorbidly, through 'neurocomputational invasion' or engagement of 'quiescent homologues'....
We employ a reverse-engineering approach to illuminate the neurocomputational building blocks that combine to support controlled semantic cognition: the storage and context-appropriate use of conceptual knowledge. By...
Imagine the impact on your daily and professional life of not being able to do what you are doing now; extracting meaning from language. This is a fate and frustration that faces many people with aphasia post stroke, in...
Birmingham works as a broker and realtor for Allen Tate Realtors. She earned her B.S. in business education in 1970. The International Association of Who's Who for Exemplary Achievements in the Field of Real Estate has chosen...
There is growing awareness that aphasia following a stroke can include deficits in other cognitive functions and that these are predictive of certain aspects of language function, recovery and rehabilitation. However, data on...
Understanding the different neural networks that support human language is an ongoing challenge for cognitive neuroscience. Which divisions are capable of distinguishing the functional significance of regions across the language...
52nd Annual Alfred E. Mirsky Holiday Lecture on Science for high school students Not Just Another Macrophage: How Ralph Steinman's controversial discovery of the dendritic cell slowly transformed immunology delivered by Marina...
Biases to favour self-related information over information related to other people have been demonstrated across a range of both high- and low-level tasks, but it is unclear whether these tasks ‘tap’ the same types of self...
The purpose of this study was to explore an important research goal in cognitive and clinical neuroscience: What are the neurocomputational mechanisms that make cognitive systems "well engineered" and thus resilient across a...
Hyperscanning is an emerging technique that allows for the study of brain similarities between interacting individuals. This methodology has powerful implications for understanding the neural basis of joint actions, such as...
The paper addresses the problem of recovering a pseudoconvex function from the normal cones to its level sets that we call the convex level sets integration problem. An important application is the revealed preference problem....
Biases to favour self-related information over information related to other people have been demonstrated across a range of both high- and low-level tasks, but it is unclear whether these tasks ‘tap’ the same types of self...
Research shows that educated ethnic minority women are often not valued as much for their employable skills as their local counterparts. They are often marginalised because of their visual profile and the most common recourse...