
Results: 37
Creating inclusive teams through perceptions of supplementary and complementary person-team fit
Using a multi-wave, multi-level design, this study unravels the impact of subjective (dis)similarities in teams on team effectiveness. Based on optimal distinctiveness theory and the social inclusion model, we assume combined...
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Creating inclusive teams through perceptions of supplementary and complementary person-team fit
Using a multi-wave, multi-level design, this study unravels the impact of subjective (dis)similarities in teams on team effectiveness. Based on optimal distinctiveness theory and the social inclusion model, we assume combined...
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Dynamics of psychological contracts with work engagement and turnover intention
This study investigated the interrelations of the psychological contract with work engagement and turnover intention, which has hitherto been a largely overlooked topic in psychological contract research. Although previous...
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Dynamics of psychological contracts with work engagement and turnover intention
This study investigated the interrelations of the psychological contract with work engagement and turnover intention, which has hitherto been a largely overlooked topic in psychological contract research. Although previous...
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'Would you eat cultured meat?'

Cultured meat has evolved from an idea and concept into a reality with the August 2013 cultured hamburger tasting in London. Still, how consumers conceive cultured meat is largely an open question. This study addresses...

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Consumers' confidence, reflections and response strategies following the horsemeat incident

Following the discovery of horsemeat in beef products in Europe in 2013, restoring consumers' confidence in processed meat products as well as in all the agencies involved - producers, food safety authorities, retailers -...

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The Grizzly, April 21, 2016
Writers, Editors Debut Lantern Re-vote Results in Rein and Thomas Winning Election Politics Professor Publishes Book Review in Wall Street Journal International Perspective: Balancing Changes During Freshman Year Transgender...
Published by: Ursinus College
Forecasting the prevalence of overweight and obesity in India to 2040
Background: In India, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased rapidly in recent decades. Given the association between overweight and obesity with many non-communicable diseases, forecasts of the future prevalence...
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The Grizzly, October 27, 2016
How UC Students Get the News International Students Sound Off on Election Attorney General Candidate Discusses Platform UC Alumni on the Campaign Trail Local Volunteers Get Out the Vote Opinions: The Difficulties of Voting...
Published by: Ursinus College
'Would you eat cultured meat?'

Cultured meat has evolved from an idea and concept into a reality with the August 2013 cultured hamburger tasting in London. Still, how consumers conceive cultured meat is largely an open question. This study addresses...

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Consumers’ avoidance of information on red meat risks

In accordance with cognitive dissonance theory, individuals generally avoid information that is not consistent with their cognitions, to avoid psychological discomfort associated with tensions arising from contradictory...

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Beyond information seeking

Successfully engaging consumers in a dialogue may provide opportunities for better tailored and more effective communication about food-related risks and benefits. Using an online deliberation concept and software, VIZZATA™...

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Consumers' confidence, reflections and response strategies following the horsemeat incident

Following the discovery of horsemeat in beef products in Europe in 2013, restoring consumers' confidence in processed meat products as well as in all the agencies involved - producers, food safety authorities, retailers -...

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Beyond information seeking

Successfully engaging consumers in a dialogue may provide opportunities for better tailored and more effective communication about food-related risks and benefits. Using an online deliberation concept and software, VIZZATA™...

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Consumers’ avoidance of information on red meat risks

In accordance with cognitive dissonance theory, individuals generally avoid information that is not consistent with their cognitions, to avoid psychological discomfort associated with tensions arising from contradictory...

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Nitrous oxide emissions from sugarcane fields in the Brazilian Cerrado
Brazil meets about 16% of its energy needs with bioethanol and other sugarcane products and leads the world in biofuel energy production. However, there are concerns over the environmental credentials of the sugarcane given the...
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Too tired to focus on others? Reminders of money promote considerate responses in the face of depletion
A Mok, D De Cremer
Jun 28, 2017
Purpose: Research has found that depletion of personal energy makes people self-centered. Thoughts of money also make people self-centered. We propose that reminding depleted individuals of money would in fact make them less...
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