
Results: 826
Autophagy Induction as a Therapeutic Strategy for Neurodegenerative Diseases.
Autophagy is a major, conserved cellular pathway by which cells deliver cytoplasmic contents to lysosomes for degradation. Genetic studies have revealed extensive links between autophagy and neurodegenerative disease, and...
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6G Opportunities Arising from Internet of Things Use Cases
The race for the 6th generation of wireless networks (6G) has begun. Researchers around the world have started to explore the best solutions for the challenges that the previous generations have experienced. To provide the...
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DIA label-free proteomic analysis of murine bone-marrow-derived macrophages.
Here, we describe an optimized protocol to analyze murine bone-marrow-derived macrophages using label-free data-independent acquisition (DIA) proteomics. We provide a complete step-by-step protocol describing sample preparation...
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Achieving robustness to aleatoric uncertainty with heteroscedastic Bayesian optimisation
Abstract: Bayesian optimisation is a sample-efficient search methodology that holds great promise for accelerating drug and materials discovery programs. A frequently-overlooked modelling consideration in Bayesian optimisation...
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'Skating on thin ice?' consultant surgeon's contemporary experience of adverse surgical events
Concerns about patient safety have prompted studies of adverse surgical events (ASEs), but descriptive classification of errors and malpractice claims have overshadowed qualitative investigations into the processes that lead to...
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'Skating on thin ice?' consultant surgeon's contemporary experience of adverse surgical events
Concerns about patient safety have prompted studies of adverse surgical events (ASEs), but descriptive classification of errors and malpractice claims have overshadowed qualitative investigations into the processes that lead to...
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Respected Winthrop Student Veteran Passes Away
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Cpl. Ryan Holdaway transferred to Winthrop's College of Business Administration. He was a respected member of the veterans community. Respected Winthrop University student Cpl.
Published by: Winthrop University
The Grizzly, February 17, 2022
Happy Birthday, Ursinus! Michael Green, Man Around Campus The Search for a New English Professor Movies With the Melrose Fellows Ursinus Bucket List Challenge D3 Dreamin': The Tyler Neal Story 1,000 Points for Ryan Hughes
Published by: Ursinus College
Do cardiometabolic, behavioural and socioeconomic factors explain the 'healthy migrant effect' in the UK? Linked mortality follow-up of South Asians compared with white Europeans in the Newcastle Heart Project.
BACKGROUND: Immigrants are sometimes found to have better health than locally born populations. We examined the mortality experience of South Asian origin and white European origin individuals living in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK....
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