BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that public awareness of ovarian cancer is weak, and women are often diagnosed at late stages when treatment is difficult. This study aimed to determine the barriers for seeking early medical care...
Anti-predator behaviors of free-ranging groups of equatorial saki monkeys (Pithecia aequatorialis) were recorded in the Área de Conservación Regional Comunal Tamshiyacu Tahuayo in the Peruvian Amazon to determine whether...
Researchers previously reporting equatorial and monk sakis (Pithecia aequatorialis and P. monachus) occurring sympatrically north of the Amazon River in Peru raised the question of whether the two species were syntopic or...
UC Bikeshare Program Looks to Make Changes UC to Hold First Disability Awareness Week in April Course Registration Timeline International Perspective: Cultural Approaches to Accepting Visitors and Foreigners Update on...
Sororities bid upperclassmen during week Lachman named vice-president Henning Prentis delivers Founders Day Address Curtain Club reveals leads for Fall play Y group hears talk; Four at conference Pianist to perform in...