
Results: 501
Mutational inactivation of Apc in the intestinal epithelia compromises cellular organisation.
The adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) protein regulates diverse effector pathways essential for tissue homeostasis. Truncating oncogenic mutations in Apc removing its Wnt pathway and microtubule regulatory domains drives...
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis with chemical activation, an innovative method to convert orange peel into activated carbon with improved properties as dye adsorbent
Microwave-assisted pyrolysis with chemical activation was developed and optimized to transform orange peel into activated carbon (AC) desirable for use as a dye adsorbent. The orange peel was first carbonized via...
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Effect of Pretreatment on the Mechanical Properties of Orange Peel Particulate (Bio-Waste)-Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Effects of chemical treatments with benzoyl chloride, acetone and alkali on the physical and mechanical properties of Orange Peel Particulate (OPP) reinforced epoxy composite materials have been studied. Hand lay-up technique...
Green Biosynthesis of Tin Oxide Nanomaterials Mediated by Agro-Waste Cotton Boll Peel Extracts for the Remediation of Environmental Pollutant Dyes.
The sustainable synthesis of metal oxide materials provides an ecofriendly and more exciting approach in the domain of a clean environment. Besides, plant extracts to synthesize nanoparticles have been considered one of the more...
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The Fall of the Fourth Wall
Over the past several years, the live-streaming of digital games has experienced a vast increase in popularity, coinciding with the rise of eSports as an entertainment medium. For a rapidly growing audience, streamed content...
The Uncertain Participatory Geoweb
Communities in the Okanagan Valley, Canada are increasingly under threat from forest fires due to climate change and expanding urban development into fire interface zones. The effects of forest fires are not always quantifiable...
Investigating Appearance Ideal Alignment of Popular Fitness Apparel Brands on Instagram
Social media that caters to societal appearance ideals can be harmful to psychological well-being, particularly within the health/fitness industry. The purpose of this study was to determine whether racial/ethnic diversity...
Spatial dynamics of pathogen transmission in communally roosting species
The spatial organization of populations determines their pathogen dynamics. This is particularly important for communally roosting species, whose aggregations are often driven by the spatial structure of their environment. We...
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Lipshutz-type bis(amido)argentates for directed ortho argentation.
Bis(amido)argentate (TMP)2Ag(CN)Li2 (3, TMP-Ag-ate; TMP = 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidido) was designed as a tool for chemoselective aromatic functionalization via unprecedented directed ortho argentation (DoAg). X-Ray...
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