
Results: 58
Development and the limits of Amartya Sen’s <em>The Idea of Justice</em>
Severine Deneulin
Jan 01, 0001
The paper analyzes the contribution of Amartya Sen’s The Idea of Justice for development studies. The influence of Sen’s book for thinking about development is likely to parallel that of John Rawls’s Theory of Justice in...
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Revisiting religion
This paper re-assesses the treatment of religion in development studies 30 years after the publication of a special issue of World Development on “Religion and Development”. Given the changes in the social and political context...
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Engaging development and religion
Religion is no longer a neglected dimension in development studies. Not only has the literature on religion and development blossomed over the last decade, but partnerships between international development institutions and...
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Recovering Nussbaum’s Aristotelian roots
Severine Deneulin
Jan 01, 0001
The paper examines the relationship between Creating Capabilities and political liberalism. It argues that the reality of climate change calls for the capabilities approach to be more rooted in a relational anthropology which...
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Recovering Nussbaum’s Aristotelian roots
Severine Deneulin
Jan 01, 0001
The paper examines the relationship between Creating Capabilities and political liberalism. It argues that the reality of climate change calls for the capabilities approach to be more rooted in a relational anthropology which...
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Development and the limits of Amartya Sen’s <em>The Idea of Justice</em>
Severine Deneulin
Jan 01, 0001
The paper analyzes the contribution of Amartya Sen’s The Idea of Justice for development studies. The influence of Sen’s book for thinking about development is likely to parallel that of John Rawls’s Theory of Justice in...
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Public Goods, Global Public Goods and the Common Good
Public economics has recently introduced the concept of global public goods as a new category of public goods whose provision is central for promoting the well-being of individuals in today's globalized world. This paper...
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Public Goods, Global Public Goods and the Common Good
Public economics has recently introduced the concept of global public goods as a new category of public goods whose provision is central for promoting the well-being of individuals in today's globalized world. This paper...
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Revisiting religion
This paper re-assesses the treatment of religion in development studies 30 years after the publication of a special issue of World Development on “Religion and Development”. Given the changes in the social and political context...
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Urban Inequality, Youth and Social Policy in Latin America
This special section discusses some of the challenges of inequality in the Latin American urban context and its consequences for the lives of young people. The four papers provide an in-depth analysis, from different...
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Engaging development and religion
Religion is no longer a neglected dimension in development studies. Not only has the literature on religion and development blossomed over the last decade, but partnerships between international development institutions and...
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Hope movements
Social mobilizations that are devoted to contesting development and creating alternative economic arrangements conducive to the pursuit of a dignified life have recently sprung up. Not only do they criticize the current state of...
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School completion in urban Latin America
Despite progress in improving secondary school completion in Latin America, a high proportion of young people from urban marginalised neighbourhoods continue to drop out. On the basis of in-depth interviews with young people in...
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Hope movements
Social mobilizations that are devoted to contesting development and creating alternative economic arrangements conducive to the pursuit of a dignified life have recently sprung up. Not only do they criticize the current state of...
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Contesting the boundaries of religion in social mobilization
This paper seeks to contribute to an understanding of the dynamics of religion in social mobilization. It argues that existing approaches to the study of the role of religion in social mobilization have been insufficiently...
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Transforming Unjust Structures
The "capability approach" of development economist Amartya Sen, who received the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1998, poses a major challenge to the dominant paradigm of neo-classical economics. According to Sen, human well-being...
Published by: Springer
Negotiating religion in everyday life
One of the characteristics most often associated with religion is that it is a discrete source of value that shapes people's attitudes and behaviour. In some cases, these values may be negative such as submission or violence; in...
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Negotiating religion in everyday life
One of the characteristics most often associated with religion is that it is a discrete source of value that shapes people's attitudes and behaviour. In some cases, these values may be negative such as submission or violence; in...
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