
Results: 341
Whole-systems modelling of alternatives for future domestic transport
Two alternatives for future domestic transport, powered by renewable wind energy, were compared from a whole-systems point of view using a mixed-integer linear programming model that accounts for the pathways from the primary...
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Whole-systems modelling of alternatives for future domestic transport
Two alternatives for future domestic transport, powered by renewable wind energy, were compared from a whole-systems point of view using a mixed-integer linear programming model that accounts for the pathways from the primary...
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How to incentivise hydrogen energy technologies for net zero
Policy intervention is essential for enabling energy decarbonisation, and historic examples such as wind and solar power show how well-designed policy can lead to long term system benefits. Hydrogen technologies are emerging...
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A multi-objective MILP model for the design and operation of future integrated multi-vector energy networks capturing detailed spatio-temporal dependencies
A multi-objective optimisation model, based on mixed integer linear programming, is presented that can simultaneously determine the design and operation of any integrated multi-vector energy networks. It can answer variants of...
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Integrated production of food, energy, fuels and chemicals from rice crops
Rice crops, which currently feed more than half of the world's population, is crucial in global food systems. Creating more efficient and sustainable rice value chains can facilitate the realisation of United Nations'...
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A multi-objective MILP model for the design and operation of future integrated multi-vector energy networks capturing detailed spatio-temporal dependencies
A multi-objective optimisation model, based on mixed integer linear programming, is presented that can simultaneously determine the design and operation of any integrated multi-vector energy networks. It can answer variants of...
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The value of hydrogen and carbon capture, storage and utilisation in decarbonising energy:
There is increasing interest in carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) and hydrogen-based technologies for decarbonising energy systems and providing flexibility. However, the overall value of these technologies is...
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How much land is available for sustainable palm oil?
Current consumption of palm oil accounts for one third of the growing world demand for vegetable oil. Amidst the burgeoning industry, huge ecological costs have been accrued within just three decades due to the rapid oil palm...
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Should we inject hydrogen into gas grids? Practicalities and whole-system value chain optimisation
Injection of hydrogen into existing natural gas grids, either partially or as a complete conversion, could decarbonise heat and take advantage of the inherent flexibility that gas grids provide in a low-carbon future. However...
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Integrated production of fuels, energy and chemicals from Jatropha curcas

In this work, a comprehensive optimisation model, based on mixed-integer linear programming, was developed that can support complex decision-making related to multi-product Jatropha value chains and can capture the trade-offs...

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Data for spatio-temporal modelling and optimisation of multi-product rice value chains
A current and fully-referenced dataset of resources and technologies for rice provision system is presented in this paper. These data served as model input data for the first multi-objective spatio-temporal optimisation of...
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The value of hydrogen and carbon capture, storage and utilisation in decarbonising energy:
There is increasing interest in carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) and hydrogen-based technologies for decarbonising energy systems and providing flexibility. However, the overall value of these technologies is...
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Integrated production of fuels, energy and chemicals from Jatropha curcas

In this work, a comprehensive optimisation model, based on mixed-integer linear programming, was developed that can support complex decision-making related to multi-product Jatropha value chains and can capture the trade-offs...

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Data for spatio-temporal modelling and optimisation of multi-product rice value chains
A current and fully-referenced dataset of resources and technologies for rice provision system is presented in this paper. These data served as model input data for the first multi-objective spatio-temporal optimisation of...
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How to incentivise hydrogen energy technologies for net zero
Policy intervention is essential for enabling energy decarbonisation, and historic examples such as wind and solar power show how well-designed policy can lead to long term system benefits. Hydrogen technologies are emerging...
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Integrated production of food, energy, fuels and chemicals from rice crops
Rice crops, which currently feed more than half of the world's population, is crucial in global food systems. Creating more efficient and sustainable rice value chains can facilitate the realisation of United Nations'...
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Should we inject hydrogen into gas grids? Practicalities and whole-system value chain optimisation
Injection of hydrogen into existing natural gas grids, either partially or as a complete conversion, could decarbonise heat and take advantage of the inherent flexibility that gas grids provide in a low-carbon future. However...
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How much land is available for sustainable palm oil?
Current consumption of palm oil accounts for one third of the growing world demand for vegetable oil. Amidst the burgeoning industry, huge ecological costs have been accrued within just three decades due to the rapid oil palm...
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Renewable electricity integration at a regional level
Sustainability Energy Programs (SEPs) determine the operative way in which the different energy vectors must be provided to final industrial, domestic or transport customers, as target demands for each final form of energy. In...
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