
Results: 234
HERWIG 6.5 Release Note
A new release of the Monte Carlo program HERWIG (version 6.5) is now available. The main new features are: support for the Les Houches interface to matrix element generators; additional SM and MSSM Higgs processes in...
Results from the new Monte Carlo event generator Herwig++ are presented. This first version simulates Hadron Emission Reactions With Interfering Gluons in electron-positron annihilation. The parton shower evolution is carried...
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Herwig++ 2.0beta Release Note
A new release of the Monte Carlo program Herwig++ (version 2.0beta) is now available. The main new feature is the extension of the program to include simple hadron-hadron processes including the initial-state parton shower.
Herwig++ 2.2 Release Note
A new release of the Monte Carlo program Herwig++ (version 2.2) is now available. This version includes a number of improvements including: matrix elements for the production of an electroweak gauge boson, W and Z...
HERWIG 6.4 Release Note
A new release of the Monte Carlo program HERWIG (version 6.4) is now available. The main new features are: spin correlations between the production and decay of heavy fermions, i.e. top quarks, tau leptons and SUSY...
HERWIG 6.3 Release Note
A new release of the Monte Carlo program HERWIG (version 6.3) is now available. The main new features are new (MRST) built-in parton distribution functions, more SM gauge boson production processes, 2 to 3 MSSM Higgs production...
Implementation of supersymmetric processes in the HERWIG event generator
We describe the implementation of supersymmetric processes in the HERWIG Monte Carlo event generator. We define relevant parameter and mixing conventions and list the hard scattering matrix elements. Our implementation is based...
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Herwig++ 2.1 Release Note
A new release of the Monte Carlo program Herwig++ (version 2.1) is now available. This version includes a number of significant improvements including: an eikonal multiple parton-parton scattering model of the underlying event;...
Herwig++ physics and manual
In this paper we describe Herwig++ version 2.3, a general-purpose Monte Carlo event generator for the simulation of hard lepton-lepton, lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron collisions. A number of important hard scattering processes...
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HERWIG 6.1 Release Note
A new version of the Monte Carlo program HERWIG (version 6.1) is now available. This note gives brief details of the new features relative to the previous version (5.9). A fully updated manual will follow shortly. The main new...
Herwig++ Monte Carlo At Next-To-Leading Order for e+e- annihilation and lepton pair production.
Oluseyi Latunde-Dada
Jan 21, 2010
This paper describes the MC@NLO method for matching next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative QCD with the parton shower and hadronization model of the Monte Carlo (MC) event generator Herwig++, for e+e− annihilation and...
A positive-weight next-to-leading-order Monte Carlo for e<sup>+</sup>e <sup>-</sup> annihilation to hadrons
We apply the positive-weight Monte Carlo method of Nason for simulating QCD processes accurate to Next-To-Leading Order to the case of e+e- annihilation to hadrons. The method entails the generation of the hardest gluon emission...
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Rituximab for immunologic renal disease
Rituximab (RTX), a chimeric, monoclonal anti-CD20 antibody, is increasingly used in immune-mediated renal diseases. While licensed in the induction treatment of ANCA-associated vasculitis, it represents one of the most commonly...
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Towards timely Alzheimer diagnosis
Serious brain disorders, such as the Alzheimer's Disease (AD), are associated with a marked drop in the levels of important neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine (ACh). Real time monitoring of such biomarkers can therefore...
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Applying the POWHEG method to top pair production and decays at the ILC.
Oluseyi Latunde-Dada
Jan 21, 2010
We study the effects of gluon radiation in top pair production and their decays for e+e− annihilation at the ILC. To achieve this we apply the POWHEG method and interface our results to the Monte Carlo event generator Herwig++....
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Towards timely Alzheimer diagnosis
Serious brain disorders, such as the Alzheimer's Disease (AD), are associated with a marked drop in the levels of important neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine (ACh). Real time monitoring of such biomarkers can therefore...
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New formalism for QCD parton showers
S Gieseke, P Stephens, B Webber
Feb 08, 2010
We present a new formalism for parton shower simulation of QCD jets, which incorporates the following features: invariance under boosts along jet axes, improved treatment of heavy quark fragmentation, angular-ordered evolution...
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The MC@NLO 2.0 Event Generator
This is the user's manual of MC@NLO 2.0. This package is a practical implementation, based upon the HERWIG event generator, of the MC@NLO formalism, which allows one to incorporate NLO QCD matrix elements consistently into...
The MC@NLO 2.3 Event Generator
S Frixione, BR Webber
Jan 19, 2010
This is the user's manual of MC@NLO 2.3. This package is a practical implementation, based upon the HERWIG event generator, of the MC@NLO formalism, which allows one to incorporate NLO QCD matrix elements consistently into...
The MC@NLO 2.2 Event Generator
This is the user's manual of MC@NLO 2.2. This package is a practical implementation, based upon the HERWIG event generator, of the MC@NLO formalism, which allows one to incorporate NLO QCD matrix elements consistently into...
The MC@NLO 3.2 Event Generator
S Frixione, BR Webber
Feb 08, 2010
This is the user's manual of MC@NLO 3.2. This package is a practical implementation, based upon the HERWIG event generator, of the MC@NLO formalism, which allows one to incorporate NLO QCD matrix elements consistently into...
The MC@NLO 3.4 Event Generator
This is the user's manual of MC@NLO 3.4. This package is a practical implementation, based upon the HERWIG event generator, of the MC@NLO formalism, which allows one to incorporate NLO QCD matrix elements consistently into...
NLO production of W-prime bosons at hadron colliders using the MC@NLO and POWHEG methods.
We present a next-to-leading order (NLO) treatment of the production of a new charged heavy vector boson, generically called W′, at hadron colliders via the Drell- Yan process. We fully consider the interference effects with the...
CHARYBDIS is an event generator which simulates the production and decay of miniature black holes at hadronic colliders as might be possible in certain extra dimension models. It interfaces via the Les Houches accord to...
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