
Results: 8
Implementation of supersymmetric processes in the HERWIG event generator
We describe the implementation of supersymmetric processes in the HERWIG Monte Carlo event generator. We define relevant parameter and mixing conventions and list the hard scattering matrix elements. Our implementation is based...
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Exploring small extra dimensions at the Large Hadron Collider
Many models that include small extra space dimensions predict graviton states which are well separated in mass, and which can be detected as resonances in collider experiments. It has been shown that the ATLAS detector at the...
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HERWIG 6.5 Release Note
A new release of the Monte Carlo program HERWIG (version 6.5) is now available. The main new features are: support for the Les Houches interface to matrix element generators; additional SM and MSSM Higgs processes in...
HERWIG 6.1 Release Note
A new version of the Monte Carlo program HERWIG (version 6.1) is now available. This note gives brief details of the new features relative to the previous version (5.9). A fully updated manual will follow shortly. The main new...
HERWIG 6.4 Release Note
A new release of the Monte Carlo program HERWIG (version 6.4) is now available. The main new features are: spin correlations between the production and decay of heavy fermions, i.e. top quarks, tau leptons and SUSY...
HERWIG 6.3 Release Note
A new release of the Monte Carlo program HERWIG (version 6.3) is now available. The main new features are new (MRST) built-in parton distribution functions, more SM gauge boson production processes, 2 to 3 MSSM Higgs production...