
Results: 67
Live-cell imaging reveals the spatiotemporal organization of endogenous RNA polymerase II phosphorylation at a single gene
Abstract: The carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II (RNAP2) is phosphorylated during transcription in eukaryotic cells. While residue-specific phosphorylation has been mapped with exquisite spatial resolution along the...
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Replaying Life's Tape With Intraclonal Germinal Center Evolution
Tatsuya Araki
Jan 01, 0001
Because high-affinity antibodies produced by germinal centers (GCs) are critical in protecting against the ever-increasing array of pathogens, understanding how GC response allows our immune system to recognize a variety of...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Cultural trauma, counter-narratives, and dialogical intellectuals
Rin Ushiyama, Patrick Baert
Aug 25, 2016
In this article, we offer a new conceptualization of intellectuals as carriers of cultural trauma through a case study of the Aum Affair, a series of crimes and terrorist attacks committed by the Japanese new religious movement...
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Spatial and taxonomic biases in bat records
Biases in data availability have serious consequences on scientific inferences that can be derived. The potential consequences of these biases could be more detrimental in the less-studied megadiverse regions, often...
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Rationally Designed Bicyclic Peptides Prevent the Conversion of Aβ42 Assemblies Into Fibrillar Structures
There is great interest in drug discovery programs targeted at the aggregation of the 42-residue form of the amyloid β peptide (Aβ42), since this molecular process is closely associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The use of...
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Does governance play a role in the distribution of invasive alien species?
Invasive alien species (IAS) constitute a major threat to global biological diversity. In order to control their spread, a detailed understanding of the factors influencing their distribution is essential. Although international...
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Numerical simulation of a hybrid trapped field magnet lens (HTFML) magnetized by pulsed fields
Abstract: The hybrid trapped field magnet lens (HTFML) is a promising device that is able to concentrate a magnetic field higher than an applied background field continuously, even after removing a background field, which was...
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Numerical simulation of a hybrid trapped field magnet lens (HTFML) magnetized by pulsed fields
Abstract: The hybrid trapped field magnet lens (HTFML) is a promising device that is able to concentrate a magnetic field higher than an applied background field continuously, even after removing a background field, which was...
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ACTIN-RELATED PROTEIN6 Regulates Female Meiosis by Modulating Meiotic Gene Expression in Arabidopsis.
In flowering plants, meiocytes develop from subepidermal cells in anthers and ovules. The mechanisms that integrate gene-regulatory processes with meiotic programs during reproductive development remain poorly characterized....
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Successful conservation of global waterbird populations depends on effective governance

Understanding global patterns of biodiversity change is crucial for conservation research, policies and practices. However, for most ecosystems, the lack of systematically collected data at a global level limits our...

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