
Results: 2626
Business and Higher Education
This booklet prints the Founders' Day address delivered by Morris L. Clothier at Ursinus College on February 20, 1923.
Published by: Ursinus College
William Morris, cultural leadership, and the dynamics of taste
This examination of the social processes that inform cultural production asks how tastes are formed, transmitted, embedded, and reproduced across generations. These questions are explored through a study of William Morris, his...
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William Morris, cultural leadership, and the dynamics of taste
This examination of the social processes that inform cultural production asks how tastes are formed, transmitted, embedded, and reproduced across generations. These questions are explored through a study of William Morris, his...
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My utopia is your utopia? William Morris, utopian theory and the claims of the past
Joe PL Davidson
Oct 03, 2019
This article examines the relationship between utopian production and reception via a reading of the work of the great utopian author and theorist William Morris. This relationship has invariably been defined by an...
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Women with early maltreatment experience show increased resting-state functional connectivity in the theory of mind (ToM) network.
Background: Experience of childhood maltreatment significantly increases the risk for the development of psychopathology and is associated with impairments in socio-cognitive skills including theory-of-mind (ToM). In turn...
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Longest-Serving Winthrop Athletics Director Tom Hickman Announces Retirement
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Tom Hickman, the longest-serving athletic director in Winthrop and Big South Conference history, announced his retirement effective June 30. During Hickman's tenure, more than $20 million in new facility construction and...
Published by: Winthrop University
'Vocabulary of Images' Inspires Newest Exhibit from Fine Arts Chair Tom Stanley
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
"Selected Works" will be shown from now through March 13 at the George Gallery in Charleston. A reception is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 27, at 5 p.m. Fine Arts Chair Tom Stanley says it's appropriate that his newest gallery...
Published by: Winthrop University
Back in time for utopia
Joe PL Davidson
Jul 27, 2022
When we think of the Victorian era, images of shrouded piano legs, dismal factories and smoggy streets often come to mind. However, the 19th century has been rediscovered in recent years as the home of something quite...
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The Ursinus Weekly, January 8, 1940
Byrne and McAllister to head junior week-end committees Hon. J. William Ditter to speak on Founders' Day, February 15 Lorelei on Feb. 16; Harshaw chairman Besse Howard will lead "quiz" forum Apes win fraternity scholarship...
Published by: Ursinus College
Theory of mind, executive functions, and syntax in bilingual children with autism spectrum disorder
Impairments in Theory of Mind (ToM) are a core feature of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ToM may be enhanced by various factors, including bilingualism, executive functions (EF), and complex syntax. This work...
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Empathy, Theory of Mind, and Prosocial Behaviors in Autistic Children.
BACKGROUND: Previous research has suggested that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) display fewer prosocial behaviors, and the role of empathy or Theory of Mind (ToM) in prosocial behaviors of autistic children remains...
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The validity and scalability of the theory-of-mind scale with toddlers and pre-schoolers
Despite the importance of theory of mind (ToM) for typical development, there remain two key issues affecting our ability to draw robust conclusions. One is the continued focus on false-belief as the sole measure of ToM. The...
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“Certainly Made by Ramsden”
Joshua Nall
May 18, 2021
Sometime in 1954, two young curators climbed into a 1936 Morris 8 and drove the fifty-some miles from Cambridge to Chigwell. The car’s driver, Rupert Hall, later admitted that this journey was a bit of a stretch for the small...
Cognitive and Affective Aspects of Theory of Mind in Greek-Speaking Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Substantial research indicates that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have difficulties with Theory of Mind (ToM) abilities, but rarely have studies used a comprehensive battery to measure both the cognitive and...
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Relations between theory of mind and executive function in middle childhood
Studies with preschool children have shown significant links between children's executive function (EF) and theory of mind (ToM), but few studies have examined these associations in primary school children. To address this gap...
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Theory of Mind and Preference Learning at the Interface of Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and AI
Theory of Mind (ToM)-the ability of the human mind to attribute mental states to others-is a key component of human cognition. In order to understand other people's mental states or viewpoint and to have successful interactions...
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Migration and maturation of Langerhans cells in skin transplants and explants
Larsen, C.P., Steinman, R.M., Witmer-Pack, M.D., Hankins, D.F., Morris, P.J., and Austyn, J.M. Migration and maturation of Langerhans cells in skin transplants and explants. J. Exp. Med. 172: 1483-1493, 1990
Mussels can both outweigh and interact with the effects of terrestrial to freshwater resource subsidies on littoral benthic communities.
Litterfall is an important resource subsidy for lake ecosystems that primarily accumulates in littoral zones. Bivalves are abundant within littoral zones and may modify the effects of terrestrial resource subsidies through...
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A support package for parents of excessively crying infants
BACKGROUND: Around 20% of 1- to 4-month-old infants cry for long periods without an apparent reason. Traditionally, this was attributed to gastrointestinal disorder ('colic'), but evidence shows that just 5% of infants cry a lot...
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Transferring cognitive talent across domains to reduce the disposition effect in investment.
We consider Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to correctly predict the intentions of others. To an important degree, good ToM function requires abstraction from one's own particular circumstances. Here, we posit that such...
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